Glimmer vs. Isis

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Chapter 25

Todd I have something to tell you baby. Tokyo and Alexis went to his office.

What's up guy's? Isis..Todd sat to attention removing his reading glasses.

Todd Isis is in critical condition Queens Memorial Hospital's Intensive Care Unit.

Todd and his parent's ran to the hospital ICU unit. Baby? Baby? I'm here baby Todd cried so hard his word's shattered upon exit. 

Look dad..look what that animal  did to my Queen. Todd was shaking his hand resting it easy on Isis' head he placed his rosary around her neck.

The paparazzi was outside; the hospital security team keeping them off the ICU floor. Tokyo had two of their own security there member's of his gang on payroll.

Tokyo drew the blind's in the hospital room for privacy when the Doctor walked in.

Sarah was at her side crying non stop Axis holding her hand. Hello family this is what we know that Isis has a third degree concussion.

A skull fracture to the right frontal lobe there is no fluid leaking but there is brain swelling. Ive placed her in a medical coma until the swelling subsides which should be in about three day's.

Isis has a fracturd collar bone her third and fourth rib's are broken on the left side.

She has a fractured right arm defensive wound he was kicking her in the rib's she used her right arm to block him.

Her right ear drum is broken and one of her teeth is loose. I had the dentist bind it while she was sleep.

I had the GYN look at her for womb damage thank god there isn't any. This is not the first time Isis has come in due to domestic battery. This is not the first time she has had to stay.

The detective's picked Mike up and had him in custody I understand he was bonded out a few hour's ago. Isis has no choice the state has picked up the charges without her permission. Will she be okay?

There may be some slight cognitive issues in the beginning and she may need occupational therapy for her hand but other then that she should recover fine Sarah. I'm also referring her for a few Psychiatric sessions while she's here. I'm keeping her here for a month mainly for her head injuries at least that's what's going on the bill. I want her to speak to a few domestic violence counselors here before discharge.

Have a good night family. Thank you Doctor. Todd hopped up punching the wall a hole went through it he was fucking mad.

Todd calm down baby furiously pacing back and forth they'd never seen him so angry. The door opened Mike walked in. Fucking BASTARD!

Todd grabbed Mike tossing him to the hospital floor punching him in his face hospital staff raised their camera's recording the fight of Tut and Mike Todd beating the fuck out of Mike. A nurse called TNZ they live streamed from her phone for $300k.

Todd kicked Mike in his ribs trying to break them like he did Isis. Tokyo pulled Todd off Mike who punched Todd in the face Todd punched him back breaking his nose.

Toddy, Isis whispered Toddy, though the confusion she heard him he ran in the room. 

I'm here Isis baby I'm sorry I'm so sorry another nurse recording Todd crying as Isis' broken hand was on his head.

Shhhh I'm here Toddy I'm here baby. Todd cried aloud on her chest shhh Isis falling into a restful deep sleep one she hadn't had in over a year because Todd was there.

The next morning was a hot mess every social media platform was running the hospital fight and the love scene between the hip hop prince and princess. Next to TNZ the Diva and Musik show was the hottest pod cast.

I'll tell you Glimmer is done chile did you see the look in his eyes when she called to him let's freeze the camera.

See that? Yeah girl. If a man looked at me that way just once I'd be all over him.

Glimmer watch out bitch cause that man is gone. Gone? I told you he was never her's. You did say that girl. Listen this love Tut and Isis share is epic baby Glimmer your through! Haha! The gossip diva's slapped hands.

You know I'm team Isis. Let is know who's team you're on amd we will go over the results on tomorrow's pod cast! Team Glimmer or Team Isis y'all know Diva is team Glimmer and I'm a die hard fan of Isis.

Why Musik? Look here Isis inspired Tut she helped him write his beginning music the baton he carries today is the same damn Baton Isis and Cecily made him when they were thirteen year's old.

Diva Tut stopped a whole fucking show because that damn Baton was missing. He refused to go on stage without it. This was AFTER! He and Isis broke up. Did they find the Baton Musik? Yes chile a super fan stole it reports say Tut paid her an undisclosed amount. They say his father Tokyo---

Ohhh chile that is one fine black Japanese! Yes he is Diva and he and Tut speak fluent Japanese reports say Tokyo forced Tut to learn the language of his grandfather.

Paid!? Hell no Musik why didn't Tokyo have her ass arrested? Now Diva you know Tut is a sweetheart he would never put a super fan in jail Tokyo paid her and she got some sweet selfies with Tut hugging her and cheek to cheek. 

Awww he is a sweetheart Diva. Ain't he Musik? Yes and he's too good for that floozy bitch Glimmer Diva! Tut kissed that Baton when Tokyo returned it to him Aunt Sarah sold the picture at one of her show's for $100k all proceeds went to homeless prevention  in New York City.

TUT! Heheh they said at the same time.

Here is the kiss of Isis which we dubbed it our fairy tale photo of the week. Awww, the crowd said that's beautiful Diva Musik blotting her eyes.

Why do you think he hold's that baton so tight? It's a cheap childhood relic Diva. Baby that baton was on the great Apollo theater in New York and every interview Tut has ever done. He even had it at Isis' prom event.

When he and Isis broke up you couldn't clutch that sparkly Baton from Tut baby. I'm going to try and get him on the show Diva. Good luck with that baby Tut's people say he's backed up for year's. My name is Musik and I'm getting Tut or my girl Isis on the sir. The crowd clapped. You're selling tickets your mouth can't cash! Well see Diva.

Let us know what you think this is Diva and Musik peace!

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