The Warning

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Chapter 6

The train ride home was fun the three went without adult's because both had to work. They stopped downtown Brooklyn to king's pizza getting a slice and soda before going home.

They walked Mike to his door and walked four block's to Isis' door you want to come in Todd? Can't my mom said don't go inside when Ms. Sarah isn't home.

Do you get the feeling they're trying to prevent a teen pregnancy Todd? My mom spoke to me and gave me condom's I tossed them some place cause we ain't on that at least not yet Goddess. What did your mom say Isis?

Same if I wanted to be intimate with you I should tell her and if not she gave me a list of places I could get birth control pill's for free.

Do you think we're ready Isis? No Todd we aren't even in high school I think we will know when were ready our feelings for each other will let us know. Todd smiled I'm enjoying you as my friend and boyfriend she clapped.

Why are you so happy to have a boyfriend Isis? It's not the boyfriend part Todd it's you.

Todd blushed go inside she opened the door he pecked her ill call you after I call my mom and use the bathroom. Haha, okay Isis watched Todd walk inside together they closed thier doors.

I'm telling you big willie the kid is on fire he is winning the rap battles with no effort his words just flow.

I counted sixteen record labels in the audience that came to watch Tut flow they video recorded him and was taking notes.

Big willie at his sandwich for Katz Deli do I look nervous? I got this is the bag I'm offering the kid a record deal not just one song. I wanna see if he can beat mental. Mental?!

Yes it's been arranged he is battling the kid on Saturday if Tut can get though Mental and his street battle skill of course by the audiences vote then he has a permanent chair at Brooklyn Brick Record's.

Mental the scout shaking his head what? You never made any if the other rappers battle mental why do that to a young kid Willie?

Tut is a rap battle God just like he said if he can battle Mental into rap embarrassment then Tut has a future I wanna see how the kid handles pressure will he buckle or will he rise to the occasion? I'm about to pour millions into this kid for promoting to video's starting with a twenty city tour I want him to open for rapper 646.

646? Is there an echo in the room nigga haha yeah i said 646 on his 12 cities tour Tut will be back by the time school start's.

Damn you feeling the kid huh? Hell yeah now if the other label's can offer him that then let them try.

He's doing what! Willie said he's putting Tut against Mental Saturday. Why when Mental is about to be signed Jay?

Listen you're the producer of the show you need to protect your ratings or you loose your job. You pay me to help keep the ratings high Tut's ratings have raised them by 50% David.

Correction Jay 80% the network called said Tut doubled the ratings in just three weeks Jay.

I say call the kid and let him know he will ultimately battle Mental it can't hurt don't feed him to be slaughtered David.

What if Tut kills it without warning Jay? What if he doesn't? Go to Brooklyn tonight no phone give Tut a heads up him and Mike.

Mike! Yeah he's a street rapper just as good as Tut but he can't rap without cussin he need's to battle underground not on T.V. go warn Tut hurry.


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