The Visitor

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Chapter 26

Cecily made her way through the horde of reporter's at the hospital Cecily how is Isis? Celcily! Cecily! She kept walking with Todd's guard who she was dating. Damn! He laughed they worse then flies. Cecily entered the room to a sleeping battered Isis.

Todd raised his head did you know this nigga was beating her up Ces? Todd if I knew my sister was getting her head bashed in do you think I would of kept it a damn secret?

The police walked in Todd Tokyo Kameko turn around you're under arrest for the assault and battery for Michael Mckay please place your hand's behind your back.

Detective please can you walk him out the back? Cecily asked. Take him down the service elevator? His guard asked. 

Walk me out the front detective's. Todd what? No! Cecily yelled. Walk me out the front door detective's.

You sure kid? We're on your side detective's staring at a sleeping Isis with soft eyes. I'm sorry what happened to your wife. Thank you detective's. Cecily call my parent's.

Let's go son. No sunglasses Cecily she pulled them back.  Todd was publicly ushered past the information starved barrage of reporter's.

Tut why are you being arrested?! Todd stopped to speak with the reporter's

It's a sad day in America when a man can brutally attack an innocent woman  because he is jealous of the the man before him which was me. Some shoe's are never meant to be filled ladies. Mic had me placed under arrest for his alleged assault the other night here at the hospital.

If I have to leave in handcuffs to defend the honor of the woman I love so be it. That's why I'm donating $50,000 to The You are Loved foundation Women against Domestic violence for the protection of victim's of domestic violence in the name of Goddess Isis Kameko the woman I love. No woman should ever have to suffer the wrath of a man's anger through his fists. Pray for Goddess Isis please excuse me.

They placed Todd in the car reporter's flashing camera's calling his name. TOKYO TODD WAS ARRESTED! Alexis and Tokyo called Todd's lawyer who had him bonded out in a hour followed by Todd pressing charges on Mike who was arrested again for assault on Todd.

When the fight erupted and was broken up Mike punched Todd in the face assaulting Todd as well.

This time Mike was unable to bond out because Tokyo called Willie telling him if he bonded Mike out Todd would switch label's by year's end. Willie let him sit and wait on a judge to arrain him.
Todd was his golden goose who made the label, the most money for the label and he wasn't going to loose Todd for a washed up Mike.

Todd went back to the hospital to his sleeping princess Isis he held the rosary around her neck praying kissing her lip's I'm back Goddess.

He turned on TNZ he was on every channel which is what he wanted. Todd checked his social media his fan's were in his corner and in a uproar over Mike having him arrested. Todd tweeted some of Isis' injuries posting a picture  her swollen shut double black eyes.

Demonizing Mike is what he was doing Todd was going to destroy him and ehat thread his career was hanging from for hitting Isis.

The next day he took a picture of her brusised rib cage posting how black and blue she was how can you do this to the woman you grew up with? The one you say you claim to love? Isis and I broke up, I was okay with that because she was with my brother. Mic you're no brother of mine I was my hand's of you. The battered photo below the social media post was a platform buzz feed with horrific photos of the Goddess Isis as the press lovingly dubbed her.

Todd turned on Diva and Musik's live pod cast for Isis because he knew she loves them alway's making her laugh.

Tut! If you can see this call us we wanna hear how Isis is doing.

Todd had the number from past invite's to the show hello this is Tut the producer's were happy. Seriously? Yes can I speak with Musik and Diva please?

OMG! Tut is on the line Divaaaaaa! Hello King Tut! Hi ladies how are you? We're good how are you? I'm fine hanging in there all thing's considered. I turned the show on for The Goddess Isis we use to listen to you ladies as teenager's swearing one day I'd be on the show I wish she were awake to see this. Aww Tut how is The Goddess Isis? Thanks for asking Diva she's in a medically induced coma Isis has brain swelling until it goes down they're keeping her sedated.

We are praying for her speedy recovery. Thank you ladies I'm here with her now I turned the show on cause you and the fan's have alway's showed The Goddess so much love. Tut what's up with Mike?

Legally I can't say but y'all saw my social media. Tut that is you posting onnsocial media not an assistant or the label? No Musik I run my own page every tweet and post is actually me. That's good to know they smiled.

Look what he did to my Goddess Todd cried on the phone. It's okay Tut. It's hard seeing a love one this way ladies
I blame myself because had I been there this wouldn't happen. It's not to late brother you love Isis never leave her side again. Listener's sent social media heart flying.

The Doctor's walked in ladies can I call you with Isis when she wakes? Of course Tut our prayer's are with you. You keep her dipped in beautiful jewels I just wanted to add Tut.

She's a Goddess jewel's are a must ladies thank's for having me.

Todd fell asleep his family left to get food and bring him some. Mom did you get my meatloaf I'm famished.

It's me Todd baby Glimmer.

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