This Time

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Chapter 24

In closing I want to thank my classmates for sticking by one another during our four year's at university. I'm honored to graduate a Suma Kume Laude and to be your valedictorian thank you.

Isis was hugged and greeted by all the professors as she had a seat. The weather was perfect everyone was there except Todd. It been a year since they broke up or even spoke. He was in a public relationship with Todd and the tabloids still had her name in their mouth's. Of course she was ther shinning star while glimmer was the home wrecker that broke up the rappers fairy tale ending as the paper's and social media platforms called it.

They were dubbed the Egyptian prince and princess of hip hop. Some gossip columnists had hopes they'd recover some swore it was over. To Isis it was over.

The family went to dinner and returned to Queens where her room was untouched according to her aunt Todd refused to let anyone in it Sarah often caught him sleeping in her bed passed out drunk but she never shared it with Isis.

Sarah and Axis could hear Todd open the house shared door entering Isis' bedroom. When she'd get up to check on him Axis held her arm he made his bed let him lay in it baby. Sarah felt bad hearing Todd's muffled cries all while lying on social media about loving Glimmer.

Isis walked in her room to hundreds of gifts from Todd no doubt. She never opened any of them she knew he was in her room she could smell him on her decorative pillows. She held one to her nose wiping her eyes knock knock she sniffed hiding her face from Tokyo. Hey dad. Hey baby someone's at the door for you.

Isis walked down with Tokyo opening the door Ms Isis Kameko? Not Kameko but yes? Sign here Isis signed the man gave her a box when she looked outside a mercedes benz truck sat on the driveway with her name on the plate.

I don't want it. It's not from Todd Isis it's from me. Isis looked back at Mike shocked the room was swept over in silence knowing where this was headed.

Please you worked so hard I wish I was as smart as you and Todd to finish college it just ain't in me baby. Thank you Michael she hugged him Mike smiled because he made Isis happy.

Five year's later Isis & Todd are 26 years old.

Todd I looked over the spread sheets I can't find the inconsistency. Thanks teach. Haha teach you haven't used that since I tutored you one thing for sure is someone is stealing from you so far its a little under $300k. May not seem like a lot to you but the theft is constant you have to find out the leak Todd. I'm working on it.

First thing's first fire your accountant's and close all bank and credit cards also put a bank alert on all account's Todd. Good Idea thank you. Good luck to you.

Todd tapped his pen pondering his newly married mother holding his shoulder whew is that a rock dad put on your hand or is that a rock? One of the diamonds from the heist she whispered smiling he saved it for my ring. That's dad for you a class act where is he?

Isis' house plumbing problem. Oh. You know Tokyo let me see it before you spend money. Yep making the issue worse. Hehe that's so true.

What's wrong? Someone is stealing from me. Who!? I'm not sure mom working on it. Todd you're going to have to call the only pers---

No Todd how long are you going to be upset that Isis is with Mike? Mike is broke mom he's using Isis you can't see that? Why do you care?

Todd gave his mom an agitated look I don't. Yeah you do Todd you still love Isis leaving gifts in her room she--

Never fucking open's sorry for cursing mom. It's okay baby I understand Todd you can't buy Isis you never could if anyone know's that it's you. Money and trinkets won't fix her broken heart she never wanted the money baby she wanted you. I know that mom don't you think I blame myself every damn day? I lost her and Mike he shook his head. It's not too late Mike asked her to marry him several times she keeps saying no. Why do you think that is Todd? The same reason you asked Glimmer to marry you but never set a date possibly Todd?
You don't love Glimmer and Isis doesn't love Mike.

Isis watered her garden came back inside to go over rappers contacts and books ever since she fixed Mental's books the flood gates opened.

Mike rubbed her shoulders stop baby not now I think i found the issue with Decept's account's. She rubbed her tits she pushed his hand.

Mike tossed his glass on the wall grabbing her hair. Would you tell your precious Todd to stop? Mike you're drunk let go!

It's your fault the label dropped me when they found out about us they wanted to keep Todd happy so they cut me.

He is there Kameko their golden boy hit after hit. Isis got up to walk away from Mike.

He grabbed her arm slapping her busting her lip on top of her slapping her over and over taking his anger out on her issuing her two black eyes a broken eye socket and a broken rib cage....

This Time.

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