Feeling Whole

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Chapter 8

Isis I heard her..he is alive my father's alive. You shouldn't have been yves dropping Todd it was wrong. Isis do you know how many times I asked my mom about my dad? She said he died in a car accident when I was an infant.

What if he's dangerous Todd? I don't think so Isis I think my dad hurt my mom emotionally and she never forgave him.

There are two sides to every story and I'd like to hear his Isis. Did you know my dad is half Japanese and my last name is hyphenated with his Isis?

What's your father's name? Tokyo Kameko, I have his full name Todd Tokyo Kameko-Singleton all this time I was just Todd Singleton get this my grandmother lives four block's away on the same block to the bodega.

I bet I know who she is Todd the old lady that keeps staring at you when we pass her on her porch.
They said at the same time let's go to the store see if she's out Todd.

What if she is...then what Isis? We say something Todd. Like what Goddess? How am I supposed to know? The duo walked to the store Isis was squeezing Todd's hand when they saw she was outside same as alway's she stared at him saying nothing.

Do you know me? Why do you ask young man? Because you keep staring at me Ms?--

My name is Mrs. Kameko and you are? Todd and this is my girlfriend Isis.
Y'all a little young to be courting aren't you?

We don't think so ma'am we love one another. Isis nudged Todd don't say that Todd she mumbled throhesh his grandmother laughed. Why are you embarrased by me Isis? No Todd but grown up's alway's think sex. So what we aren't doing it and that's all that matter's Isis.

Y'all through discussing? Would you like some iced tea it's mighty hot out here. Yes--

No ma'am Todd cut Isis off sorry ma'am Isis was confused. Thank you for the offer Mrs. Kameko. Todd's grandmother smiled seeing the respect of her son in her grandson. Konnichiwa children. Konnichiwa ma'am Isis answered back smiling because she took Japanese classes in school.

Todd pulled her hand why did you rush us Todd? Nerves I guess Isis. That's your nana why be afraid I wish I had a nana still.

If thing's go well I'll share mine would you like that Isis? She smiled I'd like that thank you Todd. He kissed her cheek she was nice Todd. Wasn't she Isis?
Go practice we only have four day's Toddy.

Todd practiced all day in the mirror making his rhyme more aggressive in word but his nature was blase like who he battled was dirt under his feet. He sure to keep his king like nature in battle.

He walked past his grandmother's house hey boy. He looked up my name is Todd not boy. Can you get me apple juice from the store please? Todd walked up taking the five dollar bill reach in the back where they cold and get a cola too and whatever you want. Thank you.

He left picking up her good his chips and cola too. You and me like the same cola huh? Guess so ma'am. Come to the kitchen I'll put it up her phone rang hold on..it's for you Todd.

Todd was nervous he knew fair well who it was go on the line don't be afraid it's okay she whispered inviting him with a grandmotherly reassuring smile. Todd took the phone gingerly from her delicate hand hello?

Tokyo held back his tears hello Todd do you know who I am? He was quiet afraid to give up he was yves dropping on his mom's call. No sir. Tokyo smiled knowing he was on the line because it sound faded and the prison warned him about three way call's which there wasn't one.

My name is Tokyo Todd and I'm your father. Todd inhaled a smiled curled on the edges of his lips my mom said you died. I did the day I broke her heart. I died to her spiritually taking all our hopes and dream's with me but physically I live.

Why now? I've been trying to talk since you were born your mom never let me. I don't want you upset at her because I had a lot of enemies in the streets and it was best she distance herself from me for your protection.

Those enemies are dead killed in gang or drug violence yet I remain here incarcerated. Where? Riker's Island. Here in Queens. Todd? Yes? You have my last name Kameko do you know what it means? No sir. Golden Child.

That's you my golden child I love you Todd. Todd wiped his eyes I know you can't say it back yet because you don't know me but in time you will and one day you'll say it on your own I'm a very patient man. Okay what do I call you? Whatever you want Todd. I like your name a lot Tokyo. Haha, it's also your name did you know that? No sir. It's your middle name Todd smiled at his grandmother now as for your grandmother she will not allow you to call her by her first or last name put a handle on it son haha. Yes sir.

I've gotta go but I'll call your grandmother everyday when you go to the store at three o'clock if you need me tell her no matter the problem understand? Yes sir. Okay you knock him dead Saturday I'll be watching Todd. Thank you Tokyo. You're welcome son. Todd passed the phone back his grandma hung up. I don't tell kid's to keep thing's from they mama but you can not tell Lexi you spoke to kee understood? Why not?

She pulled a chair Todd your mother and father were madly in love he look to her the same way you look on that gal you were walking with yesterday Isis.

The sun rose and set on Alexis and for her the same went for Tokyo. She sipped her cola with him then Tokyo turned to the streets when your grandfather passed to make ends meet and your mama wasn't no street girl.

That didn't stop them from loving one another and making you. Some people come to your mother's house looking for your daddy they beat her up pretty badly and held a gun to your temple.

Your mama begged for your life thank god the gangsta in charge was a child I use to baby sit and because I was like the only mother he knowed he spared you both.

That scared your mama she ran with you to the south went to school graduated and come back when her mama passed and left her the house you in now. I went to see her beg her to see my grandson she said no it's best to leave door's shut.

His grandmother wiped her eyes how can I see my grandson every day and not want to hold him? Looking like my own child she pushed a picture of his father at thirteen to him they were twins same everything including height and build.

Wasn't right Tokyo asked me to let it be and I did till I saw you yesterday enough is enough you're my baby my grandson and I love you. Todd wiped her face kissing her cheek it's okay gigi. Hehe Gigi instead of grandma? Mama will think GiGi is a friend when it's you I'll call you grandma when were alone is that okay? She shook her head yes that's okay baby.

Todd opened his arms his grandmother hugged him for five minutes he let her you go.

Go on now ya mama will be worried when she calls to check on you baby.

Okay Grandma he left walking home feeling whole.

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