Chapter 22 Think Well

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When Shi Xing's words fell, he thought he had expressed his meaning clearly and forcefully, and it fell into Chi Yao's ears, but it didn't seem to arouse any ripples.

Looking at the other party, he lowered his head as usual, and his eyes fell on the document.

Chi Yao: "Xu Jin looked for you."

It's not a question, it's a statement, it's an affirmation.

Chi Yao: "I'm curious, what did he say to you?"

Shi Xing's eyes fluctuated for a moment, and he said truthfully: "Officer Xu didn't say much, but if he did, there are

only two things." In the list of candidate matches."

"Second, you have not been matched before, partly because there is no blue star person with a suitable level." The

second reason, after Chi Yao's answer earlier in the evening, has been demonstrated up.

Chi Yao thought for a while, "So do you think you are suitable?"

This question came too abruptly and too directly, which caught Shi Xing off guard and didn't know how to answer it.

After a long while, his knuckles tightened unconsciously, Shi Xing said: "It is said that I am the first Blue Star person whose mental power is not rejected by you." Rather than answering, it is better to say that he

told a fact and supported it with facts his qualifications.

Chi Yao's pen for marking the document paused again, as if it was difficult for him to focus on two tasks. He closed his eyes for a moment, and put down the pen with his long fingers.

His eyes still fell on the document, and he spoke again, with the same question, "So, do you think you are suitable?" It was

just repeated without emphasis, and the tone could even be said to be normal.

But repetition itself means dissatisfaction with Shi Xing's answer.

Chi Yao wanted a more direct answer.

Chi Yao asked Shi Xing to answer this question head-on.

Shi Xing's breathing became tight all of a sudden, and he was a little unpredictable again, not sure how he should respond in order to make the other party truly satisfied.

I also don't understand what answer the other party wants...

The room was silent, and the two began to confront each other silently.

It takes a lot of courage to confront Chi Yao. I have experienced it twice in one night on the commercial street. Next, it is obvious that Shi Xing lacks such things right now.

Since he couldn't hold up the hard shell, he simply exposed his soft part, what did Shi Xing answer.

"Your Highness, I want to give it a try."

After speaking, he solemnly and sincerely promised,

"Although I am weak now, I have great potential, and I will work hard to qualify myself."

Even if he is not suitable now, he I will also try my best to make myself suitable.

It's not a complete positive answer, but Chi Yao understands the meaning.

The study was quiet again.

After a while, Chi Yao asked again softly: "Why?"

There were only three words, and Xing Xing was dizzy when asked.

what why"? Why do you want to choose him? Why do you feel you are entitled? Or why would you want to give it a try? ?

Too many possibilities flashed through Shi Xing's mind in an instant, making his thoughts freeze for a moment.

After Chi Yao finished speaking, he stopped talking, apparently without any intention to help him clarify the specific question.

In this situation, Shi Xing's throat rolled, frightened by a tense see-saw atmosphere, he did not dare to ask rashly.

For about tens of seconds, or maybe a minute, his mind was filled with various possibilities, which made Shi Xing deeply confused.

Throat rolled again, Shi Xing's throat was a little dry, dry due to tension and attention.

When he spoke again, he spoke instinctively.

The answer was also the answer that he could immediately think of to this question in his mind.

Shi Xing followed his heart and said, "I understand you, Your Highness."

Chi Yao shook his head for a moment, and laughed, "You understand me?"

He asked lightly, but Shi Xing suddenly felt uneasy.

The next moment, Chi Yao looked directly at Shi Xing, stood up from behind the desk, powerful spiritual power spread across the entire room in an instant, swept across, no, or the word siege is more appropriate, Shi Xing only felt that he had no escape Shape, but can not give birth to any thoughts of resistance and self-defense.

The disparity in strength is too huge, as long as the opponent has a thought, he seems to be annihilated in place, unable to resist, and has no ability to resist.

But the release of this mental power is only for a moment, and when he let go, the other party seems to be ready to take it back.

There was no time to generate more emotions in it, and it was too late to feel more deeply. When Shi Xing was shocked by its strength, this power was withdrawn.

Chi Yao came out from behind the desk, tall and straight, and said firmly, "No, you don't understand me." "

Even, you don't know what you're talking about!"

Shi Xing instinctively wanted to refute, but Chi Yao didn't give him this chance. Taking a step

towards Shi Xing with a sense of oppression, Chi Yao asked: "Do you know who I am?


It looks a kind of businesslike seriousness and cruelty.

Chi Yao: "Do you know what it means to choose me? Do you know which side of the empire you chose?" "

As we all know, the stronger the Blue Star people, the more vulnerable they are at maturity. Since the matching dinner was held, a total of There are 28 Blue Stars whose talents were assessed as A-level, and there are only 11 S-level medical doctors left in the empire today, one of whom left the empire due to special circumstances, and 9 died of unknown diseases of the Blue Stars during their maturity."

" With my status, it is impossible to stay in the Empire forever."

"It is my responsibility, I go farther than any officer you may match today, to the farthest end of this galaxy border, and it is unknown whether it will be open to the public or not." It is possible for any planet in the situation, once you get sick on the way, the medical team equipment you carry will not be able to treat you, and we will not have time to return to the empire in a short time!" Yes, the mature Blue Stars are very weak

, And because of the different races and the disappearance of the blue star, the empire's understanding of them is also very limited.

The pathology of the Blue Stars before or after the maturity period is similar to that of the Imperials, but in the maturity period, it is completely different.

This is a very special and strange period. There are some diseases that the medical methods of the empire cannot detect at all. Many mature blue star people are clearly in good health, but as long as they feel mental discomfort and the existing medical methods cannot relieve it. This kind of uncomfortable process, within one to two days, at most a week, will die of illness.

Chi Yao: "The remaining 9 people were all attacked by high-level star beasts and were swallowed to death. Their partners and their team also sacrificed to protect them." "My team will go to many dangerous places, C-level and D-

level We often encounter mutated star beasts, even king-level star beasts, and it is not impossible to encounter them. Under this premise, the spiritual power overflowing from the mature period of the blue star people has a fatal attraction to star beasts..."

"At your level, do you know how delicious you are in the eyes of these high-level star beasts?!"

Chi Yao went further, "Do you really know the risks you will face in the future when you choose me?"

The mutant star beast, Swallowing, blue star people, once the three key words are clicked out, Shi Xing's past events that are deeply hidden in Shi Xing's mind are brought back, and his eyes flash for a moment with confusion and...deep fear.

But Chi Yao didn't finish what he wanted to say. Chi Yao: "Finally, you don't understand the state of my spiritual sea. If I don't feel wrong, you can't use your talents to fully

detect my spiritual sea now."


Shi Xing realized later, it should be that night when he used his talent and was noticed by Chi Yao.

"Yes, my mental power does not exclude you."

"But it is completely different from you being able to cure me." "

Your talent evaluation optical brain gave you ss+, I am not sure how far you will grow in the future." to this level, but I can tell you with certainty that an ss-level medical doctor cannot completely cure my spiritual sea." Taking another step forward,

Chi Yao finally stood in front of Shi Xing, with profound features, a resolute expression, and soot There was an inorganic luster in the black eyes, as if... without any emotion.

No mood swings, just total, pure rationality. Chi Yao: "Do you know what kind of patient you are facing, and do you know the price you have to pay if you

want to cure me?"

Is there strong pressure from the forces?!"

Perhaps Chi Yao's words were too firm, or this question touched the blind spot that Shixing could not reach in the previous life, and entangled with the past to entangle people's minds.

One after another, unimagined questions came down, and Shi Xing's mind went blank.

When Chi Yao's tall figure stood completely in front of him, he only felt that something was pressing close, clutching his heart and making him unable to breathe, and Shi Xing couldn't help but took a step back.

As soon as he backed away, Shi Xing realized that he was timid.

He stopped again, but it was too late, even if he took half a step back, the person in front of him could see him completely.

Chi Yao naturally understands the deep meaning it represents and the behavioral language it expresses.

Chi Yao saw the panic on Shi Xing's face, stopped his pace, and stopped moving forward.

But he didn't retreat either.

He softened his tone and asked, "Which of these questions can you answer?"

Shi Xing was speechless, he...couldn't answer any of them.

They looked at each other silently.

Chi Yao: "You can still tell me now, do you know what you are talking about?"

Chi Yao: "You can still tell me now, do you understand me?"

At this moment, Chi Yao's gaze didn't feel oppressive, but it just fell on Shi Xing's face lightly.

His voice is not heavy, and he can even say a gentle sentence compared to the time when he was watching the fireworks, but the meaning expressed in these two questions is tantamount to deafening to Shi Xing's ears.

Shi Xing's breathing became heavier and faster, and his chest began to rise and fall.

What emotions are building up.

It made him eager to prove, to prove that he didn't talk nonsense, that he didn't know everything.

At least, not as revealed in Chi Yao's words, choosing him is like a child's mind on a whim.

No, he had seriously considered it.

He has his reasons.

Shi Xing looked back at Chi Yao, his teeth clenched slowly, and after a long while, he struggled and said.

"Even if I don't know all of you, at least I can see part of you."

The moment Shi Xing said this, something settled in Shi Xing's heart, and he no longer flinched.

"I know Your Highness is well-cultivated."

"I know that you are thoughtful, and you will not leave only one solution or one way out when you do something." "I know that

you are strong, you are self-reliant, and you are the one who can completely control your life , will not be manipulated by others."


Wei Wei paused.

"I know you are very kind to me."

"Even if it's not just for me, this goodness is based on the foundation of all Blue Stars, and I'm just one of the Blue Stars who happened to enjoy the same goodness and feel it." Shi Xing

deeply Looking into Chi Yao's eyes, he looked into the soot with a firm gaze.

"I... can feel your respect for me."

"Even if our status is very different, even if you don't need to respect me at all, as long as I am in front of you, you have never despised me, not once." "Of

course , maybe this is just because of your good upbringing and your high demands on your own character." "

But I know that it is not so easy to do this, especially with the perennial blessing of power, the way people look at people and things It will change, it will become...into various appearances that normal people can't understand, but you don't seem to be like this. I can feel your personal part, and I can see the real you behind the identity blessed by rights.

A layer of water mist formed in those sea-blue eyes, and the eyeballs were wiped brightly. Shi Xing asked word by word: "Aren't these you?" "Even if I don't know all

about you, what I know Isn't the part you can see the real you?"

These eyes were so clear that for the first time Chi Yao felt that he was being seen into the bottom of his heart.

He...hasn't been like this for a long time, and he is so questioned that he can't answer.

Neither of the two looked away, and the silence spread again, but something changed silently in the air.

Chi Yao raised his hand and made an unexpected movement by Shi Xing.

Chi Yao reached out and covered Shi Xing's eyes.

Yes, cover.

As if he couldn't stand his gaze.

Shi Xing subconsciously denied this cognition, he didn't think Chi Yao was that kind of person.

"You are now..." It was originally a joke, and I wanted to adjust the atmosphere, but my voice was hoarse. Chi Yao knew that he had failed halfway through the sentence. He paused, took a light breath, and finished the next sentence, as if feeling emotional Said, "I'm not afraid of offending in front of me at all."

After finishing speaking, Shi Xing shrank subconsciously, and Chi Yao could feel his hand on the other's face.

"Relax, make a joke."

A failed joke.

Chi Yao took a rare deep breath.

After a while, he decided on something before opening his mouth again.

"Except in the imperial capital, wherever I go outside, people call me His Highness. I don't want to reveal my whereabouts. On the one hand, on the other hand, it may be that the empire is a martial artist. I grew up among a bunch of officers. I don't like to mess up the pomp. It's too big, I find it troublesome."

"In order to have more powerful offspring, the royal family has had many marriages since ancient times, with the aim of adding powerful blood genes to give birth to offspring with better spiritual power." "Therefore, there are many branches of the royal family

, Most of the important partial branches serve in the Presbyterian Church, but the real direct line of the royal family is rare, as few as this branch, and there are only two people at present." "

I have two names."

"Most members of the royal family have two names , one surname comes from the imperial family, and the middle name of the marriage partner of many planets is added in the middle, only the end has not changed, it is Behrman." "The other

surname comes from the other side of the blood, my mother's surname is Chi, and I have another name, It's called Chi Yao."

"The name Yao is taken from the burning double star in the center of our galaxy." "

I won't say it directly, you will know who I am when you go back to Star Search."

His identity and name, no matter what For what reason, Chi Yao felt that he should tell Shi Xing himself.

"As for the others..."

After a pause, Chi Yao said: "After knowing my identity, if you don't understand the questions I asked, or if you don't understand anything in your thinking, go to Xu Jin.

" Understood."

"Listen clearly."

"These questions I asked, you go to understand, if you are completely clear and think about it." "What

I mean is, you have to think carefully and really think clearly. ..."

The words paused again, and Chi Yao's final voice was very soft, like a whisper.

"If your mind still hasn't changed by then—"

"I'll give you a definite answer."

It was too late to digest the content of the royal family, and he hadn't even had any thoughts about Chi Yao's name, so he said the last sentence , Shi Xing had only one thought in his mind.

The opponent retreated!

It gives a room for both parties to advance and retreat.

In other words, words are not dead.

That is...he might, really, might...

Shi Xing forgot how he got back to the room, and was in a trance. For a while, he felt that he had met Chi Yao three times this day. He didn't know how he got over it. possible.

Therefore, when Shixing really opened the star network and sent an inquiry message to Xu Jin at the same time, it was already too late.

Just when he defaulted to no reply.

The news search page and Xu Jin's voice reply arrived at the same time.

[The surname Chi is the surname of His Majesty's mother and queen ¥#%... His Majesty's real name: Yao·#¥¥%##·Autumn Bellman]

[Did Your Majesty tell you? 】

Shi Xing was stunned.

Shi Xing: "?"

Your Majesty?

Wait, Your Majesty? ? ? !

Was matched to the Imperial Majesty after rebirthWhere stories live. Discover now