3. I Really Like Your Party

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Ryan's going to be at the location with the rest of the team, ready with all the resources you need during the mission.

"Okay, enjoy the ride!" You read the reply and delete the messages. You start getting ready.

You stand in front of the mannequins, assessing the three dresses. You finally choose the one that you feel is the most attractive, do the make up, and let your hair down.
You take a deep breath, put on your high heels, and head out to the waiting room.
The clicking sound of your heels against the tiles gave you a boost of confidence. Tony is nowhere to be seen, so you go over to the attached bar, sit on one of the raised stools to order a much needed whiskey, and cross your legs.

You are halfway through the drink when you hear shoes clapping against the floor. You look in that direction to see Tony walking towards you, fixing his cuff. He is looking neat and crisp in formals, the color he choose for his tie and pocket square matches the tone of your dress.

He looks up from his wrist after he was done and looks at you. His lips curl into a smile brighter than you've ever seen, and says,

" I think I'm the one who won a jackpot tonight. Aren't you looking lovely!"

All you can do is smile before he speaks up, spreading his arms, palms facing the roof,

"Quick. Tell me. What do you think?" And does a 360 with a grin.

"Wow. You look-" is all you can say before he cuts you off.

"Fabulous? Charming? Heartthrob? Stunning? Out-of-this-world?" Still grinning.

You roll your eyes playfully and say,

"I was going for 'drop-dead gorgeous', but those work too." You chuckle.

"I know." He winks at you.

(Genius. Billionaire. Playboy. Philanthropist.
Add one more, self-obsessed!)

You say, "We should keep going, I don't like being late to parties." , then finish your drink, and walk towards him.

He smirks and says,
"How would we turn heads, Sonia, if we arrived before the heads?"
(Where do you even get these lines from?)

You pinch your nose bridge, in both amusement and annoyance. You know he never shuts up about himself, and a tiny bit of you is starting to like that about him.

He offers you his palm as he bows a little from his shoulders while maintaining eye contact and an innocent smile. You take it. He kisses the back of it and put it around his elbow to lead you to the car waiting outside the premises.

You walk out of the building on his side, and in the front, you see Happy standing beside an Audi R8. Classic!

You reach the car and hear, "Shall we?" Tony said after tilting his head towards you. You look at him with raised eyebrows, enthusiastically nod once, slide your arm off of his coat, and go closer to the car while Tony walks around it.

Happy opens the door for you and you take your seat. You look at Happy before he closes the door gently and mouth, "Thank-you." Happy nods at you with a smile.
Tony takes the seat beside you on the back seat from the other side, Happy takes the driver's seat and drives on.

Looking out the window, you can't help but wonder if your team is on track. According to the info, an illegal auction is going to take place in the party venue where Chitauri tech is going to be sold. What if the info turned out to be wrong? What if your cover is blown? What if Tony finds out you're using him as a vector?
(It feels so wrong to hide this from him. He's been so kind... )

"Something I should know?" Tony said and you come back to the land of the living. He must have noticed the ridges between your brows, for sure.

Your gaze involuntarily went to his face. You realise you've gotten carried away with your thoughts. You fix your face back to normal. This never happened to you before; giving off cues like that...

"No, nothing." You look back out of the window.

There is a moment of silence, Tony breaks it saying,

"You know, I'm an excellent listener if you're talking about me, but when you're not, I'm atleast an average." You could feel him moving his head as he spoke.

That statement brought a tingle of smile on the corners of your lips, and you looked back at him. His chin was tilted down, and he was looking at you through his eyebrows, which were raised, causing creases to form on his handsome face. That's the moment you noticed his brown eyes.

"I'll keep that in mind, Mr. Stark." You finally smile and look down at your hands. It was hard not to. He did something to you, something unexplainable.

The tyres screech to a halt and the car gets surrounded by camera flashes.

Tony's face lights up and he grins. He looks at you and said, " Showtime!" in the most Tony Stark way.

A few bodyguards pulled the cameramen apart as if they were curtains, creating a way, and you both got a chance to walk out. As you stood side by side facing the door to the party, Tony put his arm around your waist respectfully before walking on.

He waves, and smiles, and laughs, as he walks on, closer to the door. Giving off autographs and flying kisses. He tries to catch the roses thrown at him by girls on the sidewalks, who were screaming his name.
You smile and wave too, but enough to let him shine brighter. You weren't worried about your photos getting clicked because you know that he is the one who sells and the press knows it too. Even Pepper isn't questioned when she's with him, and she's the fucking CEO of Stark Industries.
Nobody's gonna know.

The sound of murmuring and gentle violins felt soothing as you entered the party away from the rampage outside.

Half an hour passes by accompanying Tony as he meets and greets with people, hypnotizing everyone with his wit and charm. He's enjoying himself thoroughly. You look at the watch on the wall. It's about time.

You nodded to the waitress, who's also an agent undercover and she hands you the microphone slyly from under the tray she was holding.

You whisper in Tony's ear,
"You think you can manage a few minutes without me?"
He looks at you, smirks and nods a yes. "I'll be back." You smile back and turn around to go and find a washroom.

After making sure you were alone in the washroom, you inserted the microphone in your ear, and said in a normal talking tone.

"Alpha's in position. Do you copy."

You waited for a response looking at your reflection in the mirror, as you fixed your hair.


You had to repeat.


"Alpha is in position. Does somebody copy me." You start doubting the plan.

(Is the mic not working? What is going on?)

Fear started to creep in and you see your reflection's eyes going wide. You left your team stranded and scattered. You waited a little longer just to be sure.









You bring your hand to your ear to fix the mic.
"Copy. The pack is ready, on their marks." You heard and let out a sign of relief. A surge of calmness went down your body and you smiled.
(Phew! Back in the game!)

"Let's get this over with, shall we?"

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