25. Clean Chit

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Y/n's POV

Right now

You open your eyes, and blink at the door. The people outside are talking, loud enough for it to reach you in indistinguishable murmur. The nurse notices your open eyes and walks in with the doctor after a few minutes.

The doctor checks you up, and compliments you on your speedy recovery. He asks how you feel about visitors at the moment.

After attaining your approval, he allows the Avengers to access the room.

The doctor says something to them after walking out and you watch the Avengers entering the room, Last time you saw them was in a meeting room when Nat literally tortured you to get something out of you. But the week prior to that, helped you be, sort of, acquaintance with the five superheroes.

But there's one you're yet to meet.

They surround your bed. Steve and Natasha on your right, Bruce and Clint on your left, Thor right in front of you closest to your foot. Tony's the last to enter. He gets comfortable in the couch at the back of the room where he once slept, though you have a clear view of him, far between Thor and Natasha.

"How you feeling now?" Clint enquires.

"If I'd get to walk on grass that'd be great, but I'm doing okay for now, Barton..." Your voice still weak, but not as rusty.

Steve tells how none of them left the waiting room until the doctors were done and walked out of the room with good news about you. "We were so worried about you, y/n..." he says.

"Yea, you slept for twenty six hours, we thought you wouldn't wake up till tomorrow morning. Tony was really jumpy about it," Bruce adds.

"I slept for twenty six hours?!" You exclaim. Bruce nods, "that's more than a day,"

"Well, considering twenty stitches, two frac-" Tony clears his throat, making Bruce stop mid sentence, when he was about to tell you something you don't need to know.

Tony strictly told everyone not to talk about the injuries or the past before entering the room, because he doesn't want you to remember what you went through.

Bruce looks at Tony who's glaring at him at the moment, and tries to cover up, "uh... I mean you are doing pretty good." Bruce swallows a lump in his throat before smiling at you.

"Thank you, Bruce..." Your eyes travel to Tony for once, "It's okay, I don't mind knowing about that."

"And we'll tell you, but for now, focus on getting better..." Natasha covers up for Bruce.

You turn to the long beach wavy haired guy, "you must be Thor.."

"Indeed, I am he, the mighty Thor Odinson... I haven't had the opportunity to hear much about you, Lady y/n, but I eagerly await our conversation once you're fully recovered," Thor says in his elegant vocabulary.

"I've heard a lot about you though. It's nice to finally meet you Thor," you smile.

"The pleasure is all mine, Lady y/n." You find him charming.

They cheer you up, and Bruce tells you that they are waiting for the doctor's clean chit to take you home, and considering the facilities available in Avengers tower, it's gonna be real soon.

"Avengers tower?" You question.

"Yes, you're coming with us after this, hasn't Tony told you yet?" Natasha explains.

You glare glance at Tony. He might have, if he could spare some time from flirting with you. But,

"No, he hasn't... I'm sorry Nat but I'm going home. At my place. In Virginia. And why he gets to decide for me anyway?"

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