39. My Comfort Is You!

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Y/n's POV

Right now

"There are two rooms upstairs, kids are sleeping with me tonight. Double up and one of you have to take the couch. Sort it out and sleep. Good night." Clint states, and strolls out into his bedroom.

"I was thinking us girls can share and boys can decide who takes the couch." Nat suggests.

"I don't have an issue. Who's sleeping with me?" Steve asks.

"Not me." Tony cribbs, "I prefer y/n or Banner, mostly y/n. I'm not sharing a bed with you."

"Nat and Steve can share." You put your hands on your waist, "if you guys don't have a problem."

"You and I, then?" Tony smirks. Excitement sparks in your eyes but is soon shadowed with fear.

"I'm not sleeping on the couch." Bruce looks between you two.

"I was thinking I'll take the couch. You are practically inseparable in the tower so I'll let you have your bromance."

"No way I'm letting you take the couch." Tony revolts, while Bruce fights the urge to let you be.

"Come on! It's just one night. I don't have a problem, the couch's long enough."

"Tony, let her take the couch if she wants, we should let a woman have her wish." Bruce states.

"Is that serious? She just had a nightmare. I'm not leaving her down here alone."

"That's why I ask." You give him a forced smile, "let me take the couch."

"You sure?" He tilts his head at you. And you nod a yes. Tony lets out a huge sigh and says to Bruce, "Alright buddy, don't you get any bad or wet dreams tonight."

"I can't promise you that"

Everyone leaves for their shared bedrooms and you lay on the fluffy couch after adjusting the pillow underneath your head. It's not that bad, you've slept on the couch all the time. You close your eyes, ready to fall asleep. Tony appears instead, with his extended hand calling your name to get away from Josh. You open your eyes again.

You hear shuffle down the stairs so you tower on your elbows to look over the headrest. Tony re-enters, with a pillow over his shoulder, "we've decided unanimously-"

"-He did. Solely." Bruce says following shortly behind him. He seems frustrated.

"-we'll take the couch. You can take the bed."

"I'm good here." You lay back down.

"Do you want me to carry you up and throw you on the bed, sweetheart?" He is now standing closer to the couch, looking down at you, "cause I'm down."

"You're so annoying, you know that?" You get up, and proceed to move upstairs.

"yes." He answers and you feel a little smile showing up, when your back's facing him. You overhear them as you climb the stairs.

"Tony, if you'll take the couch all to yourself where will I go?"

"The carpet is equally comfy."

"Then you take it!"

"Keep it down. It's not such a big deal."

"Yeah? Then you should take it."

"Too late. I warmed it now."


You wake up all sweaty in the middle of the night. Flashbacks from your vision formed your dream. You sit up in bed and wipe your face up and down with your hands. You try sleeping again but end up pacing the floor, checking out all the kid stuff and artifacts.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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