28. Secrets

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Y/n's POV

Right now

The fuck did he say he's gonna see?

Dr. Helen entered your room with her assistant, to find you lost in your agonised thoughts, "wow! I never saw Tony do such a thing for anyone," she inhales the delicate scent of roses as she walks upto you, "it's so beautiful,"

"Yea? Tell me something I don't see," you say not realising that your thoughts are affecting your tone.

"O2 normal, breathing normal, ECG normal... Vitals look good," the assistant scribbles each word of her in the notepad in her hand.

"How ironic is it, one Cho hurts me another one heals," you say without meeting her eyes.

"I suppose the one who did this to you shares my surname," she takes out a small pen like device, and hovers from your neck, blue light fans from it as she moves it down to your pelvis, "but it'd be foolish to compare just because of that," she flips the device upside down, and an X-ray of your ribs projects on air in front of her, "two rib fractures, tenth and eleventh, sternum displacement, and that's just in the thorax, must've hurt you a lot,"

"Nah, I mostly slept through it," you regain your composure,

"Good, sleeping is the best way to heal,"

She scanned all your body parts and you now know that you have an injured kidney, a broken ulna in your right arm, and ligament injuries in the many parts.

"But don't worry!" She assures you, "take another nice cozy sleep, I'll see you tomorrow in the medbay, the hospital did a great job and but we'll get you walking in no time," she smiles at you and puts a soft palm on your shoulder.

"Great! I can leave tomorrow then," you smile, but you still need to figure out where would you go.

"Your injuries and severe, You will have to spend time doing exercises and eating the good stuff to gain your strength back, it'll take atleast a couple of months,"

"But I can do that on my own," you give her the best puppy eyes.

"Nope, you gotta stay under observation," she forces a quick smile,


Tony's POV

Right now

"Ah! Pep, I've been searching everywhere for ya, lovely job you did with the roses," He walks into the common room, with his coat hanging from his two fingers behind his shoulder.

"This is the last time, my goodness. How can you keep forgetting I'm not your assistant anymore," she stays sat on the sofa in her pjs, with an ice-cream tub in her lap, "I've got a company to run, Tony, unlike someone who prefer hiding in their tool cave,"

"Was that indirectly about me? Don't answer. how's the search for assistant going?" He sits beside her.

"We've many applicants, not everyone's qualified, and speaking from experience, one needs to have very high tolerance for bullshit to stay your assistant, not many people have it, do they?" She says, peeling the top layer carefully with a fork, keeping the icecream even.

"Which is exactly why I made you the CEO," he smiles at her with glittering bright eyes.

"You made me CEO because you like to go on a run away from your responsibilities," she puts the fork in her mouth and takes it out clean.

"Anyway, did you find anything in the jet? Anything at all?" He finally asks.

"I don't know, should I?" She is clearly exhausted.

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