23. Eyes on me!

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Y/n's POV

Right now

"Eyes on me! Y/n! Don't you dare shut them. You understand me? Anyone hear me?! I need Banner!" Metal fingers feel cold on your cheek, as your vision blurs and starts to blacken at the periphery. You gaze at the man who's body is covered in the same colour as yours. You lay on his lap, which is cold just like the cell you've been in, but you prefer this one. His face full of worry and his hand trying to stop blood oozing from your body. "Shit, that's-" his blurry face looks down at your stomach then back at you, "Hey hey hey! I'm here, y/n! Look at me!"

A few minutes ago

You have a choice to make, this might be your final one. You want to end this feeling of being a captive and maybe, think of joining them. It's not like you weren't working for Ravena for like, three months? Atleast then you'd get to go home.

But what's home? The stale lonely apartment you visited after ages with noone waiting for you? Maybe there's Tony who might... But that could be just in your head. It's just an unreciprocated feeling you had. Twice. And how can you keep forgetting that he's in a relationship? You cannot decide to live today just to get heartbroken the second time.

And you've nothing to lose if you die. Huh? Pretty easy choice to make.

"It shouldn't be so difficult to chose when you have everything on one side and your life on another?" Ravena says growing impatient.

"You know what, Ravena? You don't have the balls or words to convince someone to join your puny hive." You finally speak, "and I might have every reason to get on my knees to kiss your ass and it might seem that everything's out of my control." You look into Ravena's narrowed eyes, "but there's one thing that I still have my step on," Your lips curl in pride, "why are you so desperate for me to join you? Honestly feels good to have you begging... Your possum back there, begged me almost every hour, if I'm not exaggerating. But I got some bad press for you, Price!" You lift you chin up to look down at her. With a serious expression you say, "I've been broken so many times that you cannot break me any further, YOU will never get the satisfaction of getting me on your side, I'll make sure of that when I die."

Ravena takes her time to react. She laughs and claps a few times, "No seriously, it was good. Heart touching. Come on, y'all!" The guards follow her order and the room echoes with an unorganised applause. She raises a hand and the room falls silent again.

"But before we move forward to the.." she whispers, "fun part," then continues, "I'd love to demonstrate what it'll be like. Ryan? Could you get her for me please?"

Without a word Ryan brings a girl into the room, and throws her on the floor. She has bruises on her body similar, but fresher than yours.

"Remember your friend?" Ravena walks upto her, "her skills aren't as good but she's just as stubborn as you are. Plus I'm getting a little bored of her."

"Don't you dare touch her," you look at her with a fearful stare.

"Oh, looks like I found a nerve..." She turns to you.

"I will spare both your lives if you accept my invitation."

"Don't listen to her, y/n! This is just to make you-" Ava screams, but is slapped shut.

"Choose wisely, y/n..."

The one thing you are known for is always looking out for your teammates; giving them love and support you never got a change to recieve. Ryan knows that.

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