6. Lovers to enemies

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"Err... Tony... Tony Stark. You know? The iron man..? It's funny you haven't heard-" You cut him off before Evan could finish.

"I know who he is, Evan, he was my vector for a mission."

"Ah! Then it'll be fun to see him again."

"VeRy fun..."

"Oh come on, it's Avengers tower, who doesn't want to go there?" Evan tries to reason with you.

"Me, Evan." You added in a serious tone, "I'm NOT going."

Evan sighs, and says,
"Then I'm sorry to tell you that your service will be terminated."

You saw that coming. Agents swore an oath to always obey the orders given to them when they join the CIA, and so did you. Backing off would be like submitting your resignation letter.

"How long have you practiced that?" Noone has been fired for refusing to do the job, and it's Evan's years long wish that he fires someone that way.

"Almost every night." You could hear how proud he was.

"Well done. I think I'll go."
It's better to face the man you've ghosted than getting fired, you got bills to pay. But you know what's much better than any of this? Dying.

"Good. One more thing, you'll go by your original name, as your first ID was a fake. Just to make things easy for you."

"Excuse me?!"


Two days later.


You are sitting in the corridor chair, in front of the gate labelled Anthony Stark.
You are going to be placed in the tower to do your job, in the knowledge of Tony, and Miss. Ravena Price is already talking to Tony.

You are nervous, yet you don't show any sign of it. This is the first time in your career that you have to face a vector twice.

And this is no ordinary guy, which makes it even more nerve wrecking. You are aware of all the chemical phases your brain went through that night, and you're not sure what's going to happen today, when he sees you after there whole months. But you're brave enough.... Right?

"Miss. Y/n y/l/n, you may go inside." Jarvis's voice echoes in the corridor.

You walk to the door and open it. You see Tony and Ravena sitting across eachother. The file related to the mission is open, and is kept right in front of Tony, and he is thoroughly going through it.

""So you want me to keep one of your agents, in my building, because you think that Black Hand, which, you're telling me is a terrorist org... was able to breach my security system? First of all, my system is top notch, and secondly, how do you even know this?" Looking at the file Tony says.

"I can help with that. I was able to go through your security system undetected on my last mission."
As you walked in, Tony looks up from the file hearing the click of your heel, and you see his face lighting up.

"Sonia? You're here?" Tony says, his eyes hover a little, and you saw the moment he figures it out, his eyebrows furrowed. "You're from CIA..." Tony gets up from his chair and walks towards the glass wall behind him.

"Ah, I see you've already met, except her name is y/n y/l/n. She's the one I was talking about."

Tony turns around and looks at you, "I'll deal with you in a while." And then looks at Ravena, "Is this how all spy band work? You leave one of your James Bonds in my building, get your job done, and leave?"

"Funny, I don't remember CIA ever doing that with Stark Enterprises.." Ravena says.

Tony rolls his eyes and says, "Forget it."

Ravena gets up and says, "All the things you need to know is in the file. Agent y/l/n is going to stay here undercover till the mission isn't over. She will go through your security system to identify the imposters. I expect you to co-operate with whatever she needs." She starts to walk towards the door.

Tony scoffs and says, "Wait. She'll be staying here? As in, breathing the same air as mine?"

"Mhmm..." Ravena keeps walking to the door and before closing the door behind her she says turning around, "Oh, and Remember, I've got my eyes on you." Gives him a I'll-kill-ya-if-ya-try-to-act-smart smile and leaves.

"Oh, come on!" Tony pinches his nose bridge. You can tell he's reminded of something similar to what just happened.

After the door closed, silence occupies the room. You're looking at Tony who's looking at the closed door, thinking about what just happened. He brings his gaze at you.

"Sonia Davis, huh?" He says tilting his head.

"You remember?" You say trying to sound amused.

"Remember what? The blind date, having fun, dance, chit chat, giving her my number, and I got ghosted? Nope, doesn't ring a bell." Tony says in one go, damn, someone is annoyed.

You purse your lips for a second and say, "Tony, it was for the mission."

"So all that... Was what? A lie?" He puts his moving hands in his pockets and walks towards you, looking into your eyes.

"No." You think for a second, trying to stay calm. "Not all of it."

This man had never been rejected by women, and you wouldn't have too, but you did. Rather, you had to. You a spy, shit happens. This is the first time you face someone you have hurt and left stranded.

"You could've told me about the situation there, and I would have helped you. But no, you had to use me and my fame. Afterall that's the best part about me; my money and my fame." Tony says and he looks away.

You knew you'd never meet him again, but even if you did, you didn't imagine it going this way. You were torn between feeling pity for how little he knows himself, and how hurt he is. Even though he is starting to get on your nerves, you tried keeping your calm.

"Well, I did had you as my cover but that doesn't mean-" you tried to talk him down but he cut you off.

"Save your skills, Miss. y/l/n, you would need that during your mission." Tony says. That really pissed you off, and you feel heat running across your body.

You clench you jaw, and closed your eyes for a second, calmed yourself down and said, "You're right, Mr. Stark. I better get to work, I can't wait to leave this place." You turned around and start to leave.

This is not how you remembered Tony. He was so gentle, witty and self obsessed. This conversation had you thinking if you even know him at all...

You reached the door and it opened, you see two red hair women walking in; Pepper Potts and Natasha Romanoff. You are able to identify them.

"Tony, we need to talk. Nat has told me-" Pepper looks at you, "Oh, Hi! I've never seen you around here."

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