13. Fuck!

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"I know someone who might have it, I met him in an exhibition in South Korea. He offered me a deal of something 'exquisite'." Tony shares with the group. He fishes out a device from his pocket, presses a few buttons and swipes up. The big screen in front turns on, showing pictures of a bearded man with lots of tattoos visible on his uncovered skin.

"Ulysses Klaue...?" You read his name off the screan.

As the pictures slideshow, Bruce says pointing at the screen, "wait, wait, what's that?" He points to the symbol on the neck. It was more like a burnt mark, one like they did to mark pirates.

Bruce stands up, walks to the computer and types something. New windows open on that screen and he reads it off, "it says this is a Wa- Waaa- Wakatan- wataka- Wakandon language." He stutters to pronounce it.

Bruce walks back to his chair, but doesn't sit down.

"What does it mean then?" Clint asks.

"Thief, in much less friendly way, in Wanakada - Wa. kan. don." Bruce stutters again. He pinch his nose bridge in annoyance, "Jeez!"

"And where's that?" Natasha asks.

"Somewhere in Africa," Steve suggests.

"It's a country we know less about. Look we're missing the point here," Bruce says, " This guy stole something from them, and if Tony's right, he stole vibranium. And he is selling it illegally."

"I'd be signing deals with him if I were BlackHand." Clint says, making Bruce nod in agreement.

After a little discussion over how to know if the deal has or hasn't struck yet? And if the deal is done, where should they look for it's supply? Natasha tells everyone that she knows about a black market in Vegas,

"As in Los Vegas?" Bruce says, "with the casinos and all."

"Yes, Banner! The bling city," Tony says with a smirk, "I've been there many times. Actually, We should go there, who's up for a trip next week?"

"We get it, Tink, you love the place." You say, rolling your eyes.

"Cindy, you're just sad because I'll never invite you..." Tony replies with a head tilt.

It is the start of an argument if Steve hasn't interrupted, "So where should we go first?"

After a full fledged discussion, everyone came to a consensus, that both are important and should be investigated simultaneously. Steve also points at the infiltration in that building.

"So we should make three teams; Steve and I should go to Vegas... Tony and Nat, Africa... And Bruce and Clint should investigate the infiltration in staff. Do we all agree?" You conclude standing front and centre, your back towards the screen.

"I don't," Tony says standing up, "if I don't get to go to Vegas, I'll stay to babysit Banner."

"Hey!" Banner says. Tony throws his hands up in defence.

"Is that why you're making me stay back?" Clint questions.

"No, it's not!" You say, "Anyone with brains would notice," Of course, it was for Tony and you say this looking straight at him, so he knows it's for him, "we have three spies in the team, and we need three things to take care of, in stealth mode," Then you say from between your teeth,"also, because we don't need a massive green distraction," rubbing the back of your neck. Bruce opens his mouth to say something,

"Okay, why don't we go to Vegas and you go to Africa?" Tony says, before Bruce could say anything.

"This is not one of your vacations, Stark, some people are actually capable of getting the job done without walking into a cassino,"

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