33. Rollercoaster Rides

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Tony's POV

Right now

He watches you from afar. The chattering around him doesn't seem to bother him at all. All his focus is on you and your wickedly beautiful red dress. You stand leaning on your hands resting on the balustrade, scanning for something. Or someone. Probably Tony himself. The thought makes him happy and he let's out a happy sigh.

He watches you as you decide to walk down the stairs but you are interrupted by Sam and Steve. God damn it, Steve! Tony won't ever admit it but he does feel a little jealous when he's around you. He's better than him in every way. So it's so easy for you to choose Steve over him. And why won't you?

He sips his champagne at the thought, and watches you while his brain counts all the reasons why Steve's so much better than him.

Your back faces Tony now, when you are surrounded by the two friends. The back of your dress has perfect depth. Not too much, but it's enough for him to drown in it.

Sam just kissed the back of your palm, and Tony looks away. Thinking of how you might have to hide your uneasiness and prepare your face to smile at his 'courtesy'. These men don't really know how to treat you. They don't know how fragile you are and how they should keep their distance and let you approach on your own, when you feel ready for it.

He looks at you again and you're giggling inaudibly at something Sam said, and you slap his arm lightly. Tony has no idea what they're talking about.

'Maybe he's not that bad after all.' Cause now, you're blushing at something Steve said to Sam.

'Not bad, Feathered Flyboy, not bad!' He thinks to himself. If it was any other girl, he'd never care. But now that it's you, he himself is surprised at his own reaction towards you. He watches Steve offer you his elbow. And he truely thinks that he's making moves on you now.

'She won't take it.'

You didn't take it.

That relieves him a little as though his chances with you are restored, if they ever dipped an inch. A smile appears on his face, and he finishes the drink in his hand, and puts the glass away. He watches you walk down the stairs, and all the eyes on you pisses him off a little. But it's not their fault either, you look stunning right now with that slit perfectly flaunting your legs, and gold does suit you, but it's not overpowering anything. You, although, do overpower every woman's confidence tonight.

He puts both his palms in his pant pockets as he looks at the lost you from the right side. Surprised, what's taking you so long to find him? Until you tuck your hair with your left hand and turn your head to directly meet his gaze.

'Finally!!!' his heart screams, while all the thoughts in his head see themselves out, his mind going staticless. He is in the moment, and he's not sure if this is actually happening. The two of you exchange smiles from afar, and he begins to make his way towards you, ignoring anyone and everyone who tries to catch his attention. He has decided it's all for you and just you. And he's not changing his mind anytime soon.


Y/n's POV

Right now

You watch him making his way towards you, and your legs decide to mirror his motion, occasionally breaking the eye contact to look at you feet. You meet him somewhere in the middle.

The party is in full swing and all you can hear is your bombing heartbeat over the suppressed chattering mingled with music. Wow. He's so ridiculously handsome. You think to yourself.

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