24. Stolen Kisses, Pretty Lies

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3rd person's POV

Right now

Tony's legs vigorously shake while he's sitting on the hospital couch, with his head against the headrest, turned towards the operation theatre. A kind nurse finished aiding his cuts and mild injuries from the fight a few minutes ago.

The lift dings and the remaining Avengers walk into the waiting area.

"Are you sure this is the location he texted?" Bruce asks.

"Didn't you see the broken window? Definitely him." Nat reasons him.

Tony looks at the incoming friends with sad, concerned eyes. When everyone starts asking your whereabouts, Tony simply looks at the OT, and it's lit red light above the door.

"How long has she been in there?" Steve asks.

"More than an hour." Tony says looking down.

Everyone tried to console Tony. Especially Bruce. He sits beside the worrying man, "I'm sorry Tony, I should've been there."

"It's okay Banner. It's not your fault. You were not... Yourself. Infact," Tony looks at Bruce, "the fault is mine."

"No. Tony it's not..." Bruce notices Tony's swollen eyebags, and his weary eyelids. He would never admit it but he's hurt and scared.

"Yea? But I shouldn't have left her all by herself in the HQ. I should have atleast asked her how it went, should've checked up on her or something."

"It's okay Tony. You did what you could..." Nat says putting a hand on Tony's shoulder.

He meets her eyes, which compliments her considerate smile, when the doctor comes out of the room you're in. Tony springs up to face whatever news he bears.

"Y/n y/l/n?" The doctor enquires.

"How's she?" Tony asks him. His friends standing right behind him are having the same worried look.

"We are doing our best to keep her stable. She has lost a lot of blood, but you brought her right in time."

Tony looks at his feet, and his brows form a depression.

"Will she be alright?" Clint asks.

"We can't say anything right now,"

Tony sighs and the doctor puts a hand on his shoulder, giving him a nod in reassurance, before excusing himself and walking past the group.

Four hours passes by, as they wait for someone to come out and give them the news that you've made it. Tony spends little time on the couch. He paces down the hallway, to the end of it, peeps into the window on the side where the cyan people wearing marks and gloves, are operating on you. He mostly stands against the wall near his group, with his arms crossed. That day, he prayed to every God he never believed in.

Clint and Bruce stood quietly on either side of the hallway just beside the couch where Natasha is sat with Steve, her head on his shoulder. She watches Tony lost in his thoughts, probably blaming himself for everything. And she's not wrong. The one thing Tony wants to do is protect the people he cares about, and right now he could do nothing for you, but wait.

After what feels like ages, doors reopen and the doctor appears again. He removes his mask, while coming closer to the friends.

"She's stable, for now." The doctor breaks the news.

Tony sighs in relief.

"Can we see her?" Natasha asks before anyone could.

"Ofcourse you can see her, just be quiet. We want her to take as much rest as she could."

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