14. Nostalgic

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You approach the hangar, making yourself mentally prepared to spend time with the guy you least want to. Steve gave a speech before the mission starts and you wonder if he practiced it. After that, you and Tony start to walk towards your quinjet to Vegas; and they to Africa.

Natasha gave you back your sphere, before leaving the two of you with one advice, "Just try not to kill eachother,"

Around half an hour in the flight, Tony puts the jet on autopilot. You look out and take in the view. You've been at heights before but the way everything shrinks as you fly up never fails to fascinate you.

"Two hours until wheels out sir." You hear Jarvis tell.

You figure this time could be used to plan stuff. Even though you despise the creature you're with, it's all you got. So you initiate,

"Tony, we need a plan in Vegas."

"Ya, I don't do plans."

You look at the guy sitting in front of you, doing something on his gadget. You wonder if it's something important or just to avoid the conversation with you.

Planning has been something you do everytime before a mission and everyone in the team cooperates, but this is something new, so you don't really know how to go about this.

"Ya, but I'm kinda stuck with you so you have to, " You go and sit beside him, though maintaining a little distance.

Tony rolls his eyes away from you, then turns to you. After many, many disagreements, you both finally agree to a rough plan. Key takeaway is to lay low in the market, and act like they're from Blackhand, and strike deals to to potential sellers. You insist that you do the talking, but Tony just ends the discussion (turning into an argument) with, "agree to disagree."

And you just blink at him, hoping he won't improvise... Tony walks away and flickers with some buttons. You lay your head on the headrest.


You look at the door of your room from under the bed. Your heartbeat is fast and your body is tense. You hear scream of your parents fighting someone.

After a while the screams got quite and you hear the footsteps walking up the stairs to your room.

You see shadow of legs through the creak under the door. They are coming in. You clench your fist.

The door is pushed open, and you see black boots walk a few steps in. Your breath is hitched as if you're not breathing. You see something red on the boots. No, it cannot be what your thinking.

Tears well your eyes when you realize, but you hold your breath tighter to hold the scream and you feel a lump form in your throat.

You see the feet staying still as if his eyes are looking around the room.

You just wish he turn around and leave and you can run into the arms of your mom and dad. But they are dead. No, no, no. That cannot be.

A little whimper left your mouth. You slap both your palms on yout lips and your eyes widens.

The guy kneels, and you can suddenly feel the tears that have been streaming down your face all along, as you watch with your eyes wide.


He leans down to peak under the bed, and smile at you creepily. The knife in his hand now rests on the floor and he's still holding it. It's covered in... Blood.

You wake up breathing heavy, to look at Tony looking at you. You sip water from the glass of water kept in the armrest of your seat.


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