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Why does he feel familiar? His eyes locked on mine as he held me

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Why does he feel familiar? His eyes locked on mine as he held me.

I continued to stare and could see the sunset reflected in his blue eyes as he leaned me back. My breath escaped slowly; the white flakes in his eyes became apparent as he pressed clearer.

A slight breeze made me shiver. His heat enveloped me as I pressed into him, basking in the closeness. Our noses are touching, our breath mingling, and our heart rate soaring.

It was addictive.

I followed his lead, edging slowly, wanting the sweet kiss I craved. A little more, a little more...

Then I was freefalling.


'Ouch, that's going to leave a mark.'

Cocooned in the bed covers, my eyes opened to view my bedroom's cream-carpeted floor.

Whining aloud, I wrestled out of the warm bed sheets. My heart was still beating fast, reeling from the dream; it stirred feelings of familiarity.

Three times this week, he has haunted my dreams. He is a stranger I have never met and will probably never meet, yet...

′Yet what?′ the thought intruded my brain before I could stop it.

Shaking my head cleared the unsettled thoughts and feelings. And yet, I am terrified by the fear of rejection, of hurting.

Throwing the covers back to the bed, I glanced at the bedside clock, 6:27 am. The light of dawn barely lit the room. I clicked off the alarm; there was no point in returning to sleep now.


It's just another Thursday—a school morning full of routine. At least Easter break was close.

I knocked on my brother's door.

"Come on, Alex. Time to get up," I half-shouted through the white door.

A rustling of covers and a quiet groan was my reply.

Turning into the bathroom, I caught my forest green eyes in my reflection and paused. Taking in the pale face I know so well, cheeks flushed with a red tinge.

I often wished to look different, as most young girls do—sharp cheekbones instead of my rounder face. But then again, my friends did say I was blessed with dimples, even if it was just one on the left.

I smiled at fond memories of my friends. I took in the lengthy blonde hair that was desperate for a cut.

′Yeah, still a copy of my dad.′

A now wistful smile graced my face. A knocking on the bathroom door, bursting the daydream I had put myself in.

"Hurry up, Lexi!" Alex whined shortly after. "I really need to go!"

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