The Forest

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After a few minutes, Leo returned and looked again at the space between the door and the display case. I kept silent. I felt bitter and sour with sadness, all I could think about was the flowers and petals in the kitchen. Had he done the same for her? To woo her?

"Revelora," Leo crooned.

I stayed sat, "Glenrothes isn't interesting, huh?"

Leo groaned and joined me on the floor, "We were friends with benefits, that was all."

"You never mentioned how pretty she was."

"That isn't important."

An eyebrow raised as I scoffed, "Can't imagine why you never wanted to see her again."

He frowned, "Because I quickly realised how shallow she was on the inside. Then I started having dreams." He gave me a pointed look.

"Jumped her every chance you got," I repeated, looking down.

"Lexi, stop," he growled.

Looking back at him, I saw his jaw twitch as he raised his hand to his eyes, squeezing between his brows. The silence grew along with my wild and wonderful thoughts.

"I stopped seeing her after I realised what they were up to," he admitted.

He said that was only a few months ago, and I felt sick. Why was I this bothered? Was it because she was pretty? Friendly with him? Offered herself?

As my thoughts continued, I felt his hand tuck hair behind my ear, and I looked back at him; he was much closer now. His hand caressed my cheek.

"Whatever you are thinking of. Stop it."

"Easier said than done." My eyes watered a little.

He noticed the pouch I was clutching and gently took it from me. Placing it off to the side, his hands replaced the emptiness, and he pulled me gently to him. I moved to his lap, seeking comfort and reassurance.

"You're the one I have been waiting for," he professed, "I'm not going anywhere. The past should be left there," he cooed, kissing the back of my hand.

"Tell me one thing... and be honest."


"The petals, you said you haven't done it for anyone else."

"I was telling the truth."

I relaxed a little more; he was no liar.

I cleared my throat, "And... erm, your bed?"

"God's no. I hardly get private time to myself, never mind bringing a girl around," he laughed, "Well, except for right now," he pointed out.

I chuckled, looking down at the dirty pouch.

'Right. That's what he wanted to show me.'

He followed my eyes, "I have no idea where it came from, but I'm glad you hid it. It feels... weird."

"Do you remember our trip to the astral?" I asked, still sitting in his lap, "I think that had something to do with it," I gestured to it.

"Huh," he said, picking it up, "What's in it?"

"My grandma's necklace or at least that's what I know it as. What it is tainted with, I don't know."

"Mind if I open it?"

I shook my head, No.

Undoing the gold knot, he tipped the pouch onto the floor.

"Elevitarus," he said, and the necklace hovered before us. Twisting his hand, it rotated.

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