Mother Hen

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I awoke to Quinn's phone buzzing; she was still sleeping in the hospital bed

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I awoke to Quinn's phone buzzing; she was still sleeping in the hospital bed. Blinking awake, I glanced at Seri; the colour had returned to her cheeks. I felt relieved and picked up Quinn's phone to quietly answer it outside the ward.


"Lexi?" I heard Quinn's mother, Winnie, ask in confusion, "Where's Quinn?" she sounded slightly panicked.

"She is alright, just sleeping. Please don't panic, but she's in hospital–"


"She's fine. She and Seri were spiked last night while they were out. Quinn called me for help."

I heard her sigh lightly, "I'll be down in a few minutes. What ward?"

I gave her directions to navigate the hospital. When I returned, Seri was awake and looking around.

"Seri! Hey," I whispered.

"Hello," she croaked.

I passed her some water from a tray and returned Quinn's phone to her side.

"What happened?"

"It seems trouble found you this time, girly," I pointed to her neck, "You've been bitten."

"What? I don't remember a thing."

She touched her neck, feeling the scabs, "I think we had three drinks. Then I woke up here. Oh, gods. Is Quinn, okay?" Seri peeked over to the lump in the bed next to her.

I confirmed, "Yeah, she's sleeping. It seems you were both drugged, but they only bit you. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, just tired still. A little woozy."

"Good, you can go back to sleep if you want. It's still early."

While Seri nodded back to sleep, I took out my phone and called Collin, Seri's dad and informed him of what happened. After reassuring him that Seri was fine and was talking, he decided not to abandon his work.

"Please can she stay with you until I get back?"

"Of course. Once she's been discharged, I'll update you."

"Thank you, Lexi."

I knew what he was worried about, as I was also cautious of the same thing. This vampire now knew Seri and possibly Quinn were witches, and they were not afraid to take what they wanted in public. They will come back for more eventually.

And when they did, would they stalk the rest of us?

Quinn was still sleeping in the hospital bed when her mother, Winnie, arrived.

"Has the doctor been yet?" she asked me.

"No, not yet. The nurse said it might be another hour," I informed her.

She got up with a 'right' and wandered to the nurse's station to get information...

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