
15 4 4

The months flew by. Everything had turned quiet after the curse was removed. I don't know what I expected to happen, but there was no word from Leo's birthmother, no more Curses or Jinxes. Cynthia was still on bedrest as a precaution but was as big as a house, ready to drop any day.

Even the attacks stopped after we met with Jack. He did not find a speck of dust to follow. He was more frustrated at the loose ends he could not tie. Quinn stopped dreaming about Star Gazers, and everything was quiet in the strange supernatural world.

Speaking of Quinn, she still did not return home. While staying with Devan, she informed her dad that she would only return after removing my lock. Not his wife, Winnie, laid it all out on the table. Give up the role, remove the lock, and stop your need to control everything.

Things had shifted in the coven. Faith in Nixon's ability to lead unbiased was questioned, and the lead was passed with a vote. Travis (Devan's Father) took up the role with pride.

Alex, well, had yet to Enmagica. With his fifteenth birthday coming soon, we all held our breath.

My phone buzzed, causing me to pull away from Leo; we both looked at it on the side table, but he continued showering me in kisses.

I giggled, "Leo, come on, let me answer it! It might be important."

"Nothing is more important right now."

Laughing, I wrestled over to the bedside and picked up the call.


"Heeeeyyyy," Seri greeted on the other side, "Ready for our summer break away? Quinn wants to leave at ten."

I groaned, "Ten? What happened to twelve?"

"Ha! She is way too excited for the beach. Tell Leo to stop hoarding you. I'm sure he can keep his hands off you for a few hours while we get there."

We were halfway through summer break, and our little coven booked a week away to Whitby. Leaving at ten would mean less time alone together...

Leo took the phone from me, "Sorry, Seri, Lexi is busy at the moment." And he hung up.

I laughed, "You know she will call back, right?"

"Yep, and you are going to ignore it this time."

He dragged me back to the centre to continue.

Expect the unexpected, they say.

My phone did not ring a second time as predicted, and I can't say I expected Quinn to barge into the room.

"Get up. We have a beach house to get to." Quinn swanned in like she owned the place.

"Geez, Quinn! You could have knocked!" Leo said, pulling the covers.

"Where is the fun in that? I shit you up."

I sighed. Although the recent months had been quiet, our time alone was non-existent. We wanted to take advantage of an empty house and free time.

That plan was now foiled.

"Alright. We will get ready," I resigned, "Get out. We will be down in fifteen."

As she left, Leo muttered, "Cockblocked once again."

Gathering my discarded clothes, I chuckled, "We may not be alone, but at least we get to share a bed," I said, winking.

I gave cuddles to Sooty before I locked up the house; my mum would return later in the evening. The car was already packed up. This time, I wasn't the one driving. Leo, now having a part-time job, had been able to purchase a decent car that was larger than my petite Yaris. The others were waiting outside the house.

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