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"Come on Alex," I shouted from the front door on a Monday Morning.

I looked down the street to see Leo and a younger girl leaving their house. I know he didn't have a car, and the walk wasn't long but...

"Hey!" I shouted down, waving.

Leo looked up and gave a wave back.

"Need a lift?" I offered.


"I'm here!" Alex rushed out of the door, out of breath.

I shook my head at his antics, "Well, you're in the back."

"What? why?" he glared.

"I'm offering the neighbours a lift," I gestured down the driveway towards the two entering the gate.

I tried to ignore the growing feeling of fur as I introduced them, "This is my brother Alex... Alex, this is Leo and..."

"Freya..." The girl said sheepishly.

I smiled at her sweet voice, and Alex lifted a hand and sheepishly waved.

"Come on, Freya! You have to meet Luna and Brandt!" Alex excitedly jumped out of the car and waited for her to join him.

They were off before I locked my car. I shook my head as Leo stood beside me.

"Before we moved, she didn't have any friends her age," Leo informed, "It's nice."

I watched Freya's smile grow as Luna asked her questions.

Luna's brother, Lathen was nowhere to be seen. I was slightly relieved.

It was easy to see the pair were related. Luna has long beautiful black hair, and pale skin. We often referred to her as little snow white. No doubt she should break hearts when she grew.

"What do you have first?" I asked.

"Erm," he pulled out a sheet with his timetable on it, "Chemistry, Mr Glann, Room A26."

I smiled, "Looks like you're with me then. Come on, you're lucky I don't sit next to anyone."

Mr Glann.

Black hair, brown eyes, tall, slim, glasses typically nerdy looking, wore a tie loosely. He got along with older students, could handle banter, and kept up with the 'times'. I guess that's why he was easy to get along with. The bell rang, starting the lesson.

"Right, class. It's an analytical practical today. You'll use your previous knowledge to identify a compound I give you," Mr Glann articulated before pausing when his eye landed on Leo.

"He is a new student, Mr. Glann," I announced.

He glanced at a clipboard, running a finger down the list of names before stopping, "Well in that case. Welcome to Chemistry. Prepare to die," Mr Glann advised jokingly, holding up a Bunsen burner.

A small laugh was shared around the classroom and the teacher turned back and continued from where he left off.

From my peripheral, I saw Leo beside me shift slightly to look at me. Moving forward, I rested my chin in my hand, fingers covering my mouth and side-eyed him.

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