Nosey Neighbour

16 4 1

Present day...

"Lexi! Lex! Wake up. We're going to be late," Alex fretted in my ear.

I groaned and rolled over before snapping my eyes open, as a feeling of dread shot through me. I instantly looked at the clock: 8 O'clock? Fuck!

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I shrieked.

Scampering from the warmth of the bed and clawing on some clothes from the closet. I rushed to the bathroom to change.

"Not my problem you came home drunk," Alex retorted with folded arms.

Coming out from the bathroom with a toothbrush in my mouth, I tried to protest, "I was not drunk!"

I wouldn't admit it, I did feel a little rough... the drinking games were fun but felt exhausted.

He changed the topic, "The phone rang this morning, which is why I woke up. Mum will finish earlier today. She'll be back this afternoon."

"Okay, grab me some breakfast bars, would you? Oh, and lunch, it's in the fridge!" I said, finally exiting the bathroom to my room while he walked down the stairs.

I huffed as I noticed the bags under my eyes and covered them with makeup.

"Lexi!" shouted Alex.

I glanced at my clock. 'Damn it. Half 8! Go!'

I ran downstairs, where Alex was standing with the front door open, both our bags in his hands and my keys already in the outside lock—Atta boy.


"Fed," he reported.

I took a deep breath and got into the car with him. Alex and I made it before the final bell and as usual, Lathen was rocking up late.

He noticed Alex and I getting out of the car and smirked, "Late Langton?"

"Shut up." I retorted catching up to him.

"Let's get this day over with... Friday yay!" Lathen spoke a little too cheery after a night out.

I winced at his happy mood and covered my ear. He laughed and clasped my shoulder in a half hug before moving me to the steps.

I rolled my eyes at him and picked up the pace.


Saying the day lagged was an understatement.

'Note to self: No more drinking on a school night.'

I grimaced and strolled over to the loud cafeteria to grab food; it bustled with students as expected. I caught sight of Quinn perched on one of the blue plastic chairs at a small round table, digging into her sandwich. I relaxed next to her.

"Afternoon," I greeted.

Quinn lifted her head quickly in a greeting, "Heard you had fun last night..."

I groaned loudly and leaned into the table.

We were shortly joined by two defeated-looking friends, Lathen and Seri, and a relaxed Devan.

"That bad, huh?" Quinn quizzed the trio. My eyebrows knit together in concern.

"Dodge ball. Devan was on the opposite team." Lathen laboured over his breath, clearly defeated.

He rested next to me, resting his head on folded arms. I pat his shoulder with sympathy.

"She was pissed, as in, argument with the husband pissed," Seri added, sitting opposite me.

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