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I had a spring in my step at work on Saturday. Seri looked at me weirdly, desperate to discover what made me happy. When there was a pause in customers, she pounced.

"Okay. Spill it," she cornered me in the stock room.

"Nothing to spill. I just woke up on the right side of the bed."

'In the right bed.' I smiled.

Her eyes narrowed, "Uh huh," she drawled.

I winked at her and walked past to stock up the cups.

I heard an audible gasp before she scurried to me and whispered, "Have you?" with a pointed look.

I laughed, "No."

Her head went limp in disappointment, "You mean to tell me you had an empty house, and nothing happened?"

"He was a gentleman," I continued to smile.

"Sure, the long game. I get it... It's a matter of time."

I laughed and heard the bell jingled. I got up to serve the new customers.

"Welcome. What can I get you?"

"Lexi? I don't recognise you with that hat!"

I looked up properly this time, "Oh! Hi Tiffany!" I greeted.

The new head cheerleader smiled, she was in her cheer uniform, seems they are practicing over the weekend. The blue and silver colours of our school made stark contrast against her mocha skin and her amber eyes seemed to glow.

"How long have you worked here?" she asked eagerly over the counter.

"About a year, but I only work weekends."

"Ah! I don't normally come in on Saturdays." She smiled and contemplated the board.

The bell jingled again; looking up, I noticed a small group of people enter. One of them I recognised as Tiffany's brother.

"I'll have a hot chocolate."

"With cream?"

"No, thanks." She turned to her brother, "What do you want?"

He and the others in the group added to their order. I helped Seri make the drinks and overheard their conversation while waiting. The gaggle of boy's were not very good at talking in hushed voices, we could still hear them.

"Did you hear what happened at Jack's last week?"

"Yeah. Apparently, they were two witches."

Seri's hand momentarily faulted, nearly dropping the milk carton, and we shared a look as they spoke. They were talking about her and Quinn.

"No way! I didn't know there were witches in Pendle... Someone has a death wish. Jack is not going to like that it happened in his place."

"Right? That's not all... It's been happening everywhere, not just to these witches... Humans and Fae have been reporting things too."

My eyebrows furrowed as I continued to mindlessly make the coffee.

"Is it just one group?"

"So they say... After the truce, no vamp dares to cross the line."

I waited a few moments before placing their orders on the table, "Enjoy!"

No one else was at the counter. I looked at Seri as I went to the back, and she followed.

"Seems like word spreads fast," I muttered quietly with a hand on my cheek.

"How did they know about Jack's?" Seri asked, her eyebrows furrowed.

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