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I awoke to the alarm ringing and registered that I had fallen asleep in my clothes and probably looked like a racoon. I sighed, forcing my sore self out of bed to prepare for the school day. I was still tired.

I knew I would be bombarded with questions from Leo. I just hoped he wouldn't bring it up to the others. They are not meant to know; one of the few reasons my magic locked down is because of them—their 'safety', as Nixon put it.

On Wednesday, the second period was always blank. Usually, we would go to a nearby diner to grab a long lunch before the afternoon lessons.

"Sorry, I don't feel good today. I had a takeaway last night. It's not settled right," I lied to Quinn.

She gave me a 'all good' and left the building. I fled to the library, hoping Leo would not find me. I had evaded him so far today.

He wanted answers, but was I ready to give them?

Short answer, no. I had been told to keep this to myself for so long... I'm worried.

I settled down at a table on the second floor; three tall bookcases surrounded it. I hoped it would be a while until he found me, or better yet, not at all. Pulling in my aura, I continued to read the book I started yesterday.

I waited.

As my leg bounced in anticipation, my senses twitched; he was searching for me. His essence was cast out like a wide net, and I bit my lip, debating.

'He will ask you eventually. Sooner or later,' a pesky voice piped up in my noggin.

I hated that it was right. I let my essence reach out and touch his, and slowly, he started to get closer.

"You are not an easy woman to find," he huffed, sitting beside me. I instantly put the book down and turned my attention to him.

"Good, I don't want to be found," I sassed.

"Obscuravale," Leo demanded.

The silence grew between us as the veil closed.

"What did your mum mean by a 'lock'?" Leo probed.

"Did you ask the others?" I probed back.



"Because judging by how your brother took to you fainting, not many people know about it," he theorised.

"Answer my question," he restated.

I looked down at the table, thinking of a way to explain. It was true; Alex had never seen me faint from using my magic. Leo was smart.

"When a witch has committed a heinous crime. Do you know what they do?" I started.

"Yes, a council decided to lock away... their powers..." he trailed.

Looking into his eyes, he started to put two and two together. Hopefully, he was not getting five.

When a crime has been committed using magic (mostly murder), a council will lock away someone's powers, so they are less of a threat in a mainstream prison. They meet their grave early if they fight it or try to use magic and push through the lock. It can only be removed if the person(s) that placed it there removes it.

I swallowed, "It's not a full lock on my magic, but recently, it's been getting harder not to fight it... I have been trying to find a way around it..."

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