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I sighed as I finally flopped on the sofa back home and closed my eyes.

I felt movement behind me, and I peeked through an eyelash to see my brother looking worried.

"What's wrong?" I asked, closing my eye again.

"Are you sick?" he asked, placing a hand on my forehead.

I eyerolled under my eyelids.

"I saw that," he retorted.

I sighed, "I'm fine. Just not been sleeping well, that's all." I pulled the blanket off the back of the sofa and rolled over.

A little white lie. I glanced at the white candle in the centre of the coffee table. I was purposefully staying awake to practice magic by lighting the candle. I am trying to figure out a way around the lock placed over my magic.

I quickly learned that using too much magic at once was an unpleasant experience. I had fainted numerous times. At least now, I could hold a flame for a few hours...

"...Lexi?" I was shaken awake.

"What?" I mumbled.

"Your phone's ringing." Alex held it up to me, and with bleary eyes, I answered it with a yawn.


"Damn, napping already?"

I breathed a laugh at Lathen's teasing, "Shush. What's up?"

"You've not checked your phone, have you? There is a promise we made last year."

"A promise?" I echoed carefully.

"A drink for your dad?"

I gently facepalmed, "Ah... that."

Last year, we agreed to go to Jack's Hideout, Dad's favourite place, and have a drink in his memory.

"Seri is coming, and the other two have other plans," Lathen informed.

"Okay... Sounds good. Meet you there."

"Thanks, Mum!" I thanked getting out of her car.

"Stay safe!" she waved before pulling away.

I turned the corner to Jack's Hideout. It was hidden from the public, down an alleyway. It's a supernatural hangout, and the owner, Jack, provides a haven for all.

I stopped at the familiar red brick wall and knocked three times. A code word was needed to get into supernatural hideouts. The tricky part was finding the entrance...

A brick moved into a square peephole, revealing bright brown eyes, "ID?"


The eyes disappeared, and the bricks shifted. The hidden door opened.

I was greeted by quiet music and chatter. It was quieter than the weekend, but a few tables were spare.

I spotted my friends at a table close to the bar. Seri was waving to catch my attention with a bright smile. I smiled back and approached.

Seraphina, my best friend. Her unruly strawberry-blonde hair landed in soft beach waves around her shoulders, cascading down her arms. Her fringe touched her upper brow and framed her lightly freckled face. She was a beauty with icy blue eyes to match; they were glittering with happiness.

Seri is like a sister to me and my most intimate friend; we share everything. She is sensible, pleasant, charming, and has an eye for finer things. She was down to earth but mischievous.

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