11. | Shooting

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"You must be Miss Walker

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"You must be Miss Walker." The seamstress smiles at me, holding a hand out. "I'm Nancy."

I shake her hand with a smile. "Hi. My boss made an appointment with you?"

"Yes. There are a few things I wanted to go over for your dress." I follow her to the back, where she lifts a silky fabric up. "I want you to try it on, just so I can be sure it fits you and make any adjustments."

I nod, taking the dress. She leads me to a changing room and I undress, slipping the dress on. It's a skin tight, red, long-sleeve dress that kind of pools near the bottom of the skirt.

It's a beautiful dress, quite frankly. It's surprising that Rhys is the one who designed this dress. If he even did.

I step out of the changing room, showing her the dress. "Oh, you look stunning!" She grins.

I look down at my gown. "Could you add embroidery around the bottom going up?"

"You read my mind." She gives me a soft smile. "Come, come."

I follow her to her office where she takes a measuring tape and begins taking measurements. She makes notes on a piece of paper, muttering to herself.

"Okay. I've got everything I need. Is there anything you'd like to change or adjust?" She looks up at me on the platform.

"Can you add a slit on the dress? Make it easier to walk in."

She nods. "Absolutely. Don't want you tripping in it." She smiles.

"I'll trip without the dress." She laughs at my words, and I smile. "Is this all?"

"Yep. You're free to go." She smiles at me, and I step down, walking back to the changing room. I put my blouse and pencil skirt back on, as well as my heels, before I walk out.

"Do I need to pay you for anything?"

She laughs. "Of course not! Mr. Croyso already paid a good deal to have this dress made. You're fine."

I nod, smiling unsurely. I walk to the door, going back out to the car that Rhys had prepared for me. I hate how much I rely on Rhys.

But I can't really complain. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be where I am.

"Cyber Tech main building, please." The driver nods, and I turn to the window. I fidget with my ring, given to me by my mother.

It was her wedding ring, and before she died, she gave it to me to hold onto. She knew she wasn't going to make it, no matter how many times I told her she would. And boy, was she right.

"We're here." The driver says, and I thank him as I climb out, taking my purse with me. I look up at the looming building, covering my eyes. I really don't want to be back here, but I have no choice. I'm already falling behind on rent.

Sighing, I walk toward the building. Expecting to see Kylie at her desk, I'm shocked to see another woman, smiling gently at a couple. I walk to the elevator, but anxiety settles in, and I step back, heading toward the stairs.

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