53. | The One

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Staying up all night was a very, very, very, bad idea

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Staying up all night was a very, very, very, bad idea. Why do I say this? Because every time I try to get up and be productive, I end up falling back asleep. Oh, and Rhys won't let me move, so I just fall back asleep.

Rhys turns over, and I manage to slip out of his grasp long enough to go to the bathroom. Walking out of the bathroom, I tiredly wander back to bed, ready to fall asleep, but Rhys starts tossing and turning. "What are you—" I stop. Sweat dots his forehead and his face is scrunched in discomfort.

"Naomi..." He whispers. Is he...having a nightmare? About me?

"Rhys." I call. "Rhys." I try shaking him, but he doesn't wake. "Rhys, wake up." I brush strands of hair from his forehead lightly. "Rhys."

He whimpers. "Naomi." He whispers under his breath, but I catch it.

"Rhys." I urge, and this time, I break through to him. He wakes up with a small gasp, looking around crazily. "Hey, it's okay. It's just a bad dream." His head snaps to me, and he exhales in relief. "You're okay." I whisper, brushing my hands through his hair. He lays back, rubbing his hands over his face. "Want to talk about it?"

He removes his hands, staring up at the ceiling. We sit in silence, me waiting on him. But I quickly realize he doesn't want to talk. Which is okay. He's not obligated to tell me anything.

I lay back down, covering in the blanket. He sighs, turning to lay on his side, facing me. "I was back in the warehouse." He starts, and I realize where this is going. "I wasn't tied up, and I wasn't stabbed. But you were. Kylie stabbed you, in front of me, and I couldn't stop the bleeding." He whispers.

"I died in your arms?" He nods. "Have you had this dream before?" Hesitantly, he nods again, and my eyes turn glossy. "How long?"

"Since I got out of the hospital."

"Rhys..." I whisper. That was almost a week ago. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"You were already dealing with so much, and I didn't want to upset you or-or scare you off—"

I grab his hand, stopping him. "Hey, it's okay." I smile softly at him. "I'm beginning to think I've rubbed off on you." I try lightening the mood.

I manage to get a chuckle out of him. "I'm beginning to think so, too."

"If you ever have another, call me." I tell him. "I'll always pick up."

He raises a brow. "Says the woman I can never get ahold of." He snorts.

I roll my eyes. "Whatever."

"I'm gonna sound like a total high-school girl, but do you think you'd be up for sleeping on call? Whenever I'm not over?"

My lips spread into a grin. "I thought you'd never ask." He mirrors my grin, opening his arms for me. I curl up into him, his arms wrapping around me. He presses a kiss to my forehead. "I mean it, Rhys," I look up at him. "You wouldn't let me keep things to myself; I won't let you."

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