30. | Closure

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I sit behind my desk with my head in my hands

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I sit behind my desk with my head in my hands. I have a headache.

I've been staring at this screen for the last hour and a half, and little to no work has been done.

All I can think about is Naomi. Would she say yes if we date in private? Would it be better for her?

My phone rings, and I glance at it before snatching it up at the sight of Naomi's contact name. "Naomi?" I ask immediately after answering.

"Hi, Uncle Ree-Ree."

"Azzy?" I lean forward in my chair. "What are you doing with Naomi's phone?"

"I supposed to be asleep, but Nomi was crying." My heart drops, my brows creasing.

"Why was she crying, Azzy?"

"Ion know." I can practically feel her little shrug. "She say you want be with her like Mommy and Daddy."

I chuckle. "I do. But she's not ready for that."

"So no cousin?"

"No cousin." I smile softly.

"I think she like you." She tells.

I laugh. "Yeah, I think so, too."

"But she scared." Who knew a little kid could pick up on so much? "I think you should come an kiss her better. That's what Daddy does with Mommy when she's sad."

"Azzy, I want you to lock Naomi's door and don't open it for anyone but me. Can you do that?" I hear her hum before there's a shuffling. I hear the lock click and then more shuffling.

"All done."

"Thank you, Azzy. I'll be there in a little bit."


I knock on the door, waiting for Azzy to come and unlock the door. I hear the lock click before it's being pulled open.

"Hi, Uncle Ree-Ree." She grins up at me.

I haul her up into my arms and step inside, closing and locking the door behind me. "Come on. Let's get you to bed." I whisper, careful not to wake Naomi on the couch.

"Okie." I carry her up the stairs, into Naomi's bedroom. I tuck her into bed, giving her her tablet to go to bed with. "Will you make Nomi feel better?"

"I'll do what I can." I smile down at her before kissing her head. "Get some sleep."

"Mkay." I walk out of the room, cracking the door, before I make my way downstairs. I sigh as I creep over to where Naomi sleeps soundly. I sit beside her, brushing her hair out of her face. She has tear stains on her cheeks... Did she cry herself to sleep?

She stirs, and I pull away. Her eyes flutter open and when she sees me, she jumps. "What the hell are you doing in my house?" She rubs at her eyes.

"Azzy called me."

She shoots up. "Fuck. Azzy."

I stop her. "Relax, she's in bed. She'll fall asleep within an hour." She lays back down with a sigh.

"Why'd she even call you?" She grabs the blanket from over the couch and wraps herself in it, turning over on her side.

"She heard you crying."

She sighs, pressing her eyes shut. "Shit."

"Naomi, we need to talk about it. We both need closure." I say, my voice almost pleading. Anything, as long as it gets her to talk to me, I'll do anything.

She burrows herself into the blanket, hiding her face. "I don't want to talk about it." I hear her muffled voice from under the cover.

"I know that, but not talking about it is killing you inside." She stays silent. "If we can come to some sort of agreement, we can move on and continue living our lives." I don't say normal, because she and I both know that no matter what happens nothing will be normal between us.

She sighs before she's removing the blanket from her head. "Even if we were to get into a relationship, we can't go public. It'd have to be between you and me."

"And that's okay. I'm not expecting you to want to tell the entire world about us. We can keep it a secret. I'd rather be with you than to not have you at all."

"And you're really willing to do that?" Her eyes narrow. "You seemed pretty excited to be able to tell people." She looks at me with concern, and I can't help but smile softly at her.

"If you're happy, I'm happy."

"Are you sure?" Her brows crease, but I only find it adorable.

"Positive. Until you're ready, I'll wait."

"So what does this make us? Boyfriend and girlfriend?"

I shrug. "Well, that is what I've been trying to do the last two weeks." She groans, grabbing the pillow from her head and stuffing her face in it.

She suddenly pulls the pillow away, laying it on her stomach. She looks at me, a question in her eye. "Why me?"

I scrunch my brows together. "What do you mean?"

"Out of all people, why me? Why not Lindsey, or-or Mandy, or Sierra?" I tilt my head.

"You're not them. You're you. And I like you for you." She stares at me, her eyes moving back and forth, as if trying to detect a lie. "I like how you're not afraid to stand up for yourself, and how you're smart and kind, and that you try your hardest. With work, but also to make everyone else happy."

She doesn't say anything, so I continue, "I don't want to be with them, Naomi. I want to be with you. Not Lindsey, not Sierra, or Mandy, or even Madison. I want you. Just you."

She's silent. "Really?"

"I wouldn't have done all of this if I wasn't sure. It's you I want." I assure.

"We can't go public."

"I don't care."

A grin pulls at her lips before she's lunging forward, claiming my lips with hers. I smile into the kiss, one hand threading through her hair and the other pressing against the couch. She lays down and I follow her, my body pressing against hers.

She pecks my lips a few times before she pulls away, breathing heavily. "Wait, we can't do anything." She whispers. "Not while Azzy's here."

I sigh. "Cockblocker."

She giggles at me and I smile down at her. I peck her lips.

"I'm sorry for all the drama I've caused." She whispers, frowning.

"Okay," I lean up slightly, holding a finger up. "We're going to set up some boundaries. No more saying sorry."


"Nope. Don't want to hear it."

"But what if—"

"Uh uh." I shake my head.

She places her hand against my mouth to stop me from talking. "What if it's truly important? Like using manners, or something."

"Then say it. But unless it's deserved, don't say it." I say after she moves her hand. "Got it?" I raise a brow.

"Mhm." She hums with a smile. I press my forehead against hers and she breaks out into a giggle before pecking my lips.

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