17. | Shoes

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The entire day yesterday, Naomi and Penelope hung out

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The entire day yesterday, Naomi and Penelope hung out. Now she's messaging me saying she'll be coming back tomorrow.

As much as I love her, she really knows how to get on people's nerves.

I walk to Naomi's desk with two coffees. Figured if I'm gonna get her to do anything, gotta bribe her with coffee.

I set one on her desk as she leans down, fidgeting with her shoe. "Hey, I brought you a coffee."

She looks up to find the coffee. "Oh. Thanks." She turns back to her shoes. She grabs a bandaid off her desk — which I hadn't noticed — and puts it on her ankle.

I realize now that she's wearing flats. That's...weird. She's always wearing her heels.

"Where are your heels?" I finally ask.

"I sold them."

"You what?" My eyes widen. How could she sell them?

She stands up, taking a drink of the coffee I brought her. "Yep. Sold them last night."

"Why would you do that? Those were literally your favorite pair of shoes." I state. She never goes anywhere without them.

"Sometimes, sacrifices have to be made." She shrugs, walking around me. She seems so much shorter without her heels. It's weird.

Before she can get too far, I call after her, "I need you to come to a meeting with me."

She turns back, confused. "Why?"

"They want to meet you." I exhale.

"Is this why you got me a coffee?" She looks down at her cup.

"Maybe?" I give her an unsure look.

She rolls her eyes, taking another drink. "When is it?"

"Friday." She nods.

"I'll be there."

I nod. "Great."

As she walks away, an idea pops into my head. I hurry to my office, shutting the door and sitting behind my desk.

 I hurry to my office, shutting the door and sitting behind my desk

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