Chapter 1: Shores of Jaya

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(Y/N)'s head is tilted up to the sky, basking in the warm, sunny heat. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair is pushed back due to the breeze. Taking a deep breath in and releasing, (Y/N) lets out a relaxing sigh. "What a beautiful day to kick some ass!" As if on cue, (Y/N)'s skiff bumps the edge of a dock.

'Nice, it's been a few days since I've hit an island.' (Y/N) thought as she looked around at an onslaught of people. 'They all looks like pirate scum. Maybe some of them have good sized bounties or at least some good sized pockets.' Smirking to herself, (Y/N) quickly anchors and jumps out of the small boat.

As she grabs her bag, she hears conversation being heard near by.

"Now this looks like my kind of town!"

"We'll have no problem fitting in here."

(Y/N) looks towards the not so distant conversation to see a boy with black hair wearing a straw hat and a green haired man with three swords attached to his hip.

"Bingo!" (Y/N) smirked as she reached into her bag and pulled out two wanted posters. 'Roronoa Zoro and Straw Hat Luffy. I've been looking for you two.' Being snapped out of her thoughts, a loud ginger's voice almost deafened her ear drums. "LUFFY, ZORO, I'M COMING TOO!!"

"Damn, did she not realize I was standing that close. Geez my ears." (Y/N) laughed it off. "What a spirited and beautiful woman... wait, she said she was going with them?! She must be apart of their crew. But I never saw a bounty on her."

(Y/N) looked up at the ship her money bags came from, some noise and more conversation can be heard on board. 'Just how many idiots are on this crew?!'

After the noise died down a bit, a blonde haired man leaned out on the railing. He was looking towards the direction the trio walked off in, but that's when the woman admiring his crew's ship caught his eye.

"Oh why hello beautiful!" He leaped down off the deck of the ship and on one knee. Hearts formed in his eyes as he gently grabbed the (h/c) haired's hand and went to kiss it. "And who might this beautif—"

His romantic attempts were quickly stopped with a swift hand across his face. "Don't you know it's rude to touch strangers in such a matter without their consent."

The blonde hair man now bleeding from his nose as he laid knocked out on the ground, heart eyes still formed in his eyes while his left cheek had a hand imprint steaming off it. Not even a minute passes as long nosed man peaked over the deck's railing, his eyes shot out of skull in shock, "SANJI!! WHAT DID SHE DO TO YOU?! Chopper, Sanji needs a doctor!!"

A blue nosed reindeer popped his head through the deck's railing, having the same reaction as the long nosed boy. "Usopp, Sanji needs a doctor!! Oh right, that's me." Without another second thought the little reindeer turned into a big half human/half deer creature. Chopper checked Sanji's pulse then, with a sigh of relief, picked up Sanji bridal style.

"Wait who are you?" The deer man looked at (Y/N) curiously.

"Be careful Chopper! She's the one that nearly killed Sanji with a slap!" Usopp cried out in fear.

The poor deer man looked worried sick. "Please don't hurt us, we don't have any money if that's what you want."

(Y/N) smiled innocently at Chopper. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your friend here. Honestly I didn't even think I hit him that hard." She nervously chuckled. "But the man was being a creep and was acting like I was some goddess or something as soon as he saw me."

Usopp and Chopper both sighed in relief and shared a bored expression on their face. "Classic Sanji." They said in unison.

The long nosed man sighed again and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "We are sorry for assuming the worse. This town looks pretty scary and we are just stopping by, so we thought we were under attack for better or for worse..."
He awkwardly laughed and then, as if a lightbulb light up in his head, "Oh I'm Usopp by the way, and my reindeer friend next to you is Chopper. The one in his arms in Sanji, our lover boy chef. Don't let his antics deceive you, he great in the kitchen!"

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