Chapter 89: The Power of Blood

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(Y/N) found herself next to her crew mates once more, but they all were captivated by the giant ship, Noah, descending above them. The defeated new Fishman Pirates officers began falling from the sky around the Straw Hats. 'Looks like the rest of the crew took care of them. Good job.' (Y/N) sighed and pulled out her vision dial, snapping a photo of the Noah. What caught her attention was Sanji falling from the sky, yelling. "Heads up, fish people! Eyes on the sky! Danger's on the way down!" Sure enough, Wadatsumi began descending from the sky and revealed he was burnt to  a crisp. 'Wow. Sanji sure made quick work on him.' (Y/N) lightly snickered at her thought. Wadatsumi roughly landed in the plaza, knocking back hundreds of new Fishman Pirates.

As soon as Sanji landed, Zoro sassed his chef. "Coulda dropped him in a place with less people, dumb-ass."

"Shut it!" Sanji snapped back. "Keep complaining and I'll drop the next giant on you!"

(Y/N) rolled her eyes at the two as the colossal sized Chopper spoke. "That was downright amazing, Sanji."

Franky patted Chopper's shoulder making the doctor look over at the Iron Robot. "Hey, Chopper! You mind shrinkin' down some? You're totally upstaging my giant robot here." Chopper rubbed the back of his head, chuckling in response.

"Franky! That beam was so cool!" Usopp yelled out, throwing his arms into the air.

"Are you serious? That robot was utterly useless." Robin sassed the situation. (Y/N) giggled before adding in. "Really. Franky did majority of the work."

"(Y/N)." Robin spoke up again, making (Y/N) look over at her in confusion. "I really do like your new hair. It's quite lovely." Robin smiled at her friend.

"Aw, thank you. I really appreciate that. I've been growing it out for the past two years, but I never expected it to get this long." (Y/N) gently combed her hair behind her with her hands.

Nami leaned a bit towards (Y/N). "Can I touch it?" (Y/N) nodded, lightly blushing from the question. Nami brushed her hands through (Y/N)'s long (h/c) hair before happily exclaiming. "Wow! It's so soft, it's like petting a puppy! I'm so jealous." (Y/N) just giggled in response.

Brook gasped before turning around to his crew mates. "That reminds me! Nami!"

"What is it?" Nami calmly spoke, looking up from playing with (Y/N)'s hair.

"You should really wear a miniskirt." Brook calmly explained, but his comment earned him a Clima-tact straight in his mouth.

(Y/N) laughed as all of her crew found themselves in some wild conversation. "Well done." Jimbei spoke up making (Y/n) look over at him. "Expected no less from Luffy's crew."

(Y/N) looked back to her crew mates with a smile on her face. "I sure did miss all this."

"Ah, (Y/N). I've been meaning to talk to you abo—" Jimbei was cut off by the sounds of the plaza's loud speakers turning on.

"He did it!" The person from the Air Tank cheered through the plaza's loud speakers. 'Huh? Didn't they make this announcement already?' (Y/N) looked up at the Noah as the man continued. "It's for real this time! I promise! Luffy beat Hordy!" (Y/N) closed her eyes, smiling at the still descending Noah as she listening to all of the Fishfolk bystanders loudly cheer for Luffy. "Wait! Th-The Noah!" The man spoke again, dropping everyone's smiles and forcing them to look up.

(Y/N) stared up at the giant vessel once more. 'It looks like there's been a good amount of damage done to it already. I wonder if Luffy manages to break it to pieces... No, there's no way he could do something like that. Especially not in time.'

Another voice spoke through the speakers. "The rebellion has been vanquished, but it was all for naught! ...It's over."

"No! It's not!" The person from the Air Tank quickly yelled back. "Straw Hat... is still fighting!" (Y/N)'s eyes widened in shock from his words. "He's not giving up yet! I can hardly believe what I'm seeing. He still has strength left! He's attacking the Noah! It's breaking apart!"

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