Chapter 26: Duel for the Merry

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The five made it back to the Merry, awaiting Usopp's recovery. "I hope he's going to make it." (Y/N) paced, back and forth, on the upper deck.

"Would you quit worrying. Chopper said he could save him, so that's what he's going to do." Zoro calmly told the (h/c) haired woman, making her stop in her tracks.

"I know but—" (Y/N) got cut off by the small doctor running out of the main cabin, jumping up on the railing.

"HEYY!! Usopp's finally awake you guys!!" Chopper happily yelled down to his crew members.

"Alright!! Good to hear!" Luffy yelled back making the whole crew relieved.

Nami sighed in relief from the news. "That's one less thing to worry about."

(Y/N) smiled at her Straw Hat captain as he stretched his arms up the railing Chopper once leaned against, running into the main cabin to check on the long nose. The (h/c) haired woman leaped up on the upper deck using her devil's powers before gently placing her feet on the floor, joining her captain in the cabin.

"Ya know, I outta punch you for scaring us like that." Nami spoke to the long nose first. Everyone was grouped around the man that struggled not to cry in front of his friends.

"Yeah no kidding. Though it looks like you've taken enough punches already if you ask me." Sanji rubbed salt in to his wounds with his words. "What were you thinking taking those guys on alone?"

"You can't just run off and fight whoever you want." Zoro scolded the long nose, but Sanji quickly called out the swordsman's hypocrisy. Luffy laughed at his two crew mates, but was shut up by (Y/N).

"That's enough you three. The man has been though enough. Let him speak... but really, Usopp. What were you thinking running off like that? You were already in a terrible condition when Nami and I found you." (Y/N) frowned at the long nose. Sadness lingered in her (e/c) eyes.

"This wouldn't have happened like I was strong like you guys." Usopp's voice shook as he spoke. "I'M SORRY!! It's all my fault... I'm so ashamed of myself." Usopp ran up and hugged (Y/N), crying into her chest.

"It's okay, Usopp. You're okay now, so that's all that matters." (Y/N) held the long nose's head on her chest, smiling down at the boy. Sanji yelled at him to get off the woman, telling him he was tainting a sacred place.

"I knew how important that money was! That's all our saving! All the trouble we went though... what about the Merry??!" Usopp cried harder on (Y/N), but the woman's smile quickly faded when Usopp mentioned the Merry. Tears slowly began at form in her eyes, but held them back due to her knowing it was not her job to break the bad news.

"Take it easy! You shouldn't be out of bed yet!" The doctor waved at the boy in concern for his friend's well being.

"Hey, calm down! Stop your whining and listen to the doctor!" Nami scolded Usopp, concern lingered in her voice.

Once Usopp finally stopped his tears, (Y/N) helped him back to bed. "So... is there a chance we might get out money back after all?" Usopp didn't look at the woman, nor any other crew member as he spoke.

"Well... maybe!" Luffy said with a smile. "We won't know for sure til that Franky guy shows up!"

"I see." Usopp hung his head in defeat. "I'm sorry..."

"Hey!! Even if we can't get the rest back, we still have 100 million berries left over! Don't worry!!" Luffy started laughing.

"Yeah, but he lost twice that much!!" Nami yelled out making (Y/N) whip her head at her.

"Nami! Now it not the time!!" The (h/c) haired woman scolded the ginger. Nami quickly apologized to Usopp for her outburst.

"No. It's fine. More importantly, is Merry... gonna be okay?!" The long nosed man finally look up at his crew mates in worry for the news to come. "I mean, can we get her repaired with the money we have left?! We're lucky we have all these awesome shipwrights to work on her, but I know these things are going to get rough out there. So I want her to be stronger than ever before. I want more than just a little touch up, so do you think those guys will still do a good job even though we only have 100 million to pay with?? You've talked to them about it right?!"

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