Chapter 19: Foxy and the Admiral

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I will be skipping the Long Long Island Arc with the Foxy Pirates and the Ocean Dream Arc fillers. If you would like for me to go back over it, I can but it will be in my free-free time.

(Y/N) will know about the events and even be involved with conversation about them, but I will not be writing them for the time being.

Thank you for your understanding,
Luv Author ✍️

**Back to the story**

"Hey captain! Stop fooling around and lend me a hand for a sec!" Usopp irritated said to Luffy who just giggled in response.

(Y/N) stood next to Robin and Nami as they watched their captain sit on top of a barrel that slid from side to side on the deck from the tidal waves the Merry was caught in.

"Looks like he's having fun." Robin smirked at the boy.

"Tell me about it!" Nami shared Usopp's irritation. "I bet he'd be laughing even if the ship gets capsized."

"Oh? Bet you say?" (Y/N) grinned at the ginger with berry signs in her eyes, but the (h/c) haired woman's betting was interrupted by a certain swordsman.

"Forget that! We need to worry about the mast snapping before anything else!" (Y/N) glared at Zoro holding the mast in place while Usopp ran up to help the man.

Chopper looked up at the mast in worry. "It can really break?! Then what's going to happen to us?!!"

"Don't get so worked up, even if the mast does end up breaking that doesn't mean the ship would sink. We've got a navigator, don't we?" The cook smiled up at Nami. "She's smart and cute enough to get us out of any storm."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, but smiled at the cook's words. Her attention was caught by a familiar annoying woman's voice who repeated Zoro's words from earlier. "We need to worry about the mast snapping before anything else!"

"It can really break?! Then what's going to happen to us?!!" Another familiar voice spoke soon after.

"Don't get worked up, even if the mast does end up breaking that doesn't mean the ship would sink." Said, yet again familiar, foxy voice.

(Y/N) wore an annoyed expression on her face. "Okay now they are really mocking us."

Luffy leaned over the railing to see that it was none other than the Foxy Pirates that lost their 500 men in the Davey Back Duel the crew won a while back, "Heyyy! How's it going!! Long time, no see!" The straw hat waved out to the three Foxy pirates.

"Nope. No. I'm not doing this. I'm going back inside." (Y/N) walked inside the main cabin, slamming the door behind her.

The woman picked up the book Robin let he borrowed and began peacefully reading to take her mind off the annoyance outside.

The (h/c) haired girl was calming reading for only a few minutes before her peace was interrupted by a large bang to the side of the ship causing the woman fall off the barrel she sat on.

Shaking herself off, the woman got up and sat back on the barrel. Right before she picked the book back up, the crew bursted through the door with the Foxy pirates behind them. "You got to be fucking kidding me..."

(Y/N) watched as her crew gave the three former enemy pirates warm blankets before staring at Foxy and his remaining crew.

"Well this is all that's left of me. My crew is gone, the Sexy Foxy is gone, and now I don't even have a ship to sail with. This is the end of the silver fox, I might as well face the music." Foxy struggled not to 'cry' as (Y/N) stared daggers into the man. "I'm a fool. It would have been better if I just let myself sink to the bottom of the ocean."

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