Chapter 84: Luffy vs Jimbei, and Sanji?

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(Y/N) pushed asides a large leaf in the path before she spotted Robin standing before a large stone cube with lettering she's never seen before. Robin quickly turned to (Y/N), holding up her arms across her chest. "Oh, (Y/N). It's you." Robin dropped one hand to her side and placed the other on the strap of her bag.

(Y/N) held up her hands in defense. "Please don't speak so calmly when you were about to attack me." She sighed in relief before softly smiling at Robin. "May I join you?"

"Of course. Come sit with me." Robin sat down on the a lifted portion of ground, patting next to her.

(Y/N) stared in awe at the structure before her as she walked to Robin. "Its quite beautiful. I've never seen anything like it before... what is it exactly?"

"It's a Poneglyph." Robin calmly replied making (Y/N) gasped in awe as she sat down next to Robin. After a few seconds of silence, Robin spoke up. "This Poneglyph is different from the others. Now, let's see." (Y/N) couldn't help but watch Robin in awe as she read the ancient writings. Robin spoke again. "It looks like a letter... as well as an apology." (Y/N) wanted to question, but refrained and allowed Robin to vent her thoughts. "But who is this apology for? And why did you engrave it in stone? 'Joy Boy'."

"'Joy Boy', huh?" (Y/N) placed her hand on her chin in thought.

Robin looked at her in shock. "Do you know anything about him?"

"Actually, yes. I heard the name from a few sailor stories years ago, but they didn't mention anything about the Void Century or any Poneglyphs." (Y/N) stared up at the Poneglyph in front of her. "When they got drunk enough, I would hear them laugh and talk about 'Joy Boy' being reincarnated. How his time has come to bring laughter and smiles into the wretched world, once more. I always brushed those stories off, but to hear the name again... it brings back memories." (Y/N) spoke with a sad smile.

"Memories?" Robin placed her hand on (Y/N)'s. "Do you mind if I ask who about?"

(Y/N) intertwined her fingers with Robin's, lightly squeezing Robin's hand. "Not at all. Greg Delvin was his name, although I always called him 'Del'. He always said he hated the nickname, but allowed it nonetheless. Kinda reminds me of Rayleigh with the nickname I gave him, 'Pops'." (Y/N) and Robin giggled before (Y/N) continued. "I only knew Del when I was little, before the Artie Pirates, but he was like a best friend to me. Or really the only friend I had at the time. He never let me stay in the pawn shop he owned for too many days, when he did, it was like heaven on earth of me. That man took care of me like I was his own daughter. Unfortunately, he passed away due to my stupidity." (Y/N) hung her head and tears slowly started to whelm up in her eyes.

Robin pulled her into a side hug. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it."

"I should be asking if you really want to listen to it." (Y/N) looked up at Robin with a sad softness in her eyes. Robin nodded for her to go ahead making (Y/N) take a deep breath. "When I was little, I only dreamed of becoming like my father since I saw my mother as the 'bad guy' in the situation. Now I see they were both in the wrong, but we can talk about parents another time. Anyway, I robbed a few pirates of a small bag of treasures and brought it to Del in hopes of buying two devil fruits off him. That's how my right sickle and I got our powers. But I wasn't careful and was tracked down by the pirates." (Y/N) wiped the tears forming in her eyes. "Del ended up losing his life to save mine that day..."

"(Y/N)..." Robin rubbed (Y/N)'s back and rested (Y/N)'s head on her chest.

(Y/N) softly cried for a few moments, allowing the two to sit in a peaceful yet sad silence. Once she was only sniffling, (Y/N) sat up straight and whipped the tears off her cheeks. Robin took off her bag and handed (Y/N) her handkerchief. (Y/N) accepted, thanking Robin as she wiped her tears away. Finally, (Y/N) felt strong enough to continued. "Only a few days until those pirates found me again. It ended up being the Author Pirates." Robin lightly gasped at her words. (Y/N) nodded. "They told me I'll work off the jewels I stole even though they already had them in their possession. I was only a child then, and they took advantage of my innocence. I thought about running away, but Author would always call me his 'daughter' and talk about how good I am to him." (Y/N) hugged her legs to her chest. "I was straight up manipulated by those... I wouldn't even call them 'men'. The things I would excuse just because I saw them as 'family' just disgusts me. I wish I could go back and save that young version of myself... but at the same time." (Y/N) brightly smiled up at Robin and let go of her legs, allowing them to fall back to the ground. "Now I know what a real family looks like."

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