Chapter 72: The Roger Pirates

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The Straw Hats sat in a moment of silence, still processing Rayleigh's story about Gold D. Roger and the Roger Pirates. Nami sighed in awe. "I heard it before, but it's still so amazing. When one of Roger's old friends tells it, it's like it's a whole new story."

"Wait. It sounds like you're trying to say that Roger created the Great Pirate Era on purpose!" Usopp stared at Rayleigh in shock.

"That I couldn't tell ya. No way to know for sure. Roger.. is no longer with us. It's only the people who are living now, who can create and shape such an era." Rayleigh look a few gulps of his beer from its bottle. "I'm certain that there are people who inherited that spirit of adventure from Roger that faithful day in the town square. Your good friend Shanks is probably one of them."

Luffy spoke with his mouth full of food. "You know Shanks too, old man?"

"Perhaps you heard of a pirate named Buggy from the East Blue?" Rayleigh looked towards the Straw Hat captain.

"Buggy?!" Both Zoro and Namie exclaimed in shock. (Y/N) tilted her head in confusion at the two. "I think saw the name on a list of bounties one time. But it was so low, I didn't pay much attention to it."

(Y/N) waved off Rayleigh, but quickly stopped when the man spoke. "He and Shanks both served as well. They were both apprentices on board Roger's ship."

Luffy turned to Rayleigh with clear shock on his, stuffed with food, face. "Whatt?? You mean Shanks was on the King of the Pirates' ship?!"

"Hm?" Rayleigh turned to the captain in surprise. "I take it... he never told you then. I ran into him again, right here on this archipelago about ten years ago. I noticed he lost his trademark straw hat, as well as losing his left arm." Luffy nearly chocked on the food in his mouth from Rayleigh's words as he continued. "When I asked him what happened, he spoke about you with a smile. And ever since I've always wanted to meet you, Luffy. And see the spirted boy for myself."

Luffy giggled at Rayleigh's claim before pulling his straw hat down to cover his face. "Aww Shanks!" (Y/N) smiled at her captain. 'He's too cute.'

"But I can't, in good conscious, talk about things involving Shanks that he hasn't mentioned yet himself." Rayleigh spoke with seriousness before smiling at Luffy. "In any case, you've done well to make it here yourself. I'm sure Shanks is eagerly awaiting your arrival in the New World."

Luffy let go of his straw hat, smiling brightly as always. "Really? Do you think so? Man I can't wait to see him!"

"Now then. Getting down to business, I believe you wanted your ship coated, right?" Rayleigh stood up as he spoke to the Straw Hats. "Then it's high time for me to return to my real work."

Hachi and Rayleigh were discussing payment options, but Rayleigh quickly shot down the octopus fishman. Saying that he could never take money from his friends. Nami, Sanji and Usopp cheered for the fact, but their smiles dropped when everyone saw Robin stand up. "Rayleigh." The man turned to the archeologist in confusion. "I have a question... What exactly is the 'Will of D.'? There was a poneglyph on Sky Island. Roger's name was inscribed on it, in that ancient form of writing. How does he know it?! How can he use that language? Please tell me! Did you learn what happened to the world during the blank century?! The missing history from nine hundred years ago?!"

Silence ran through the bar, awaiting Rayleigh's reply. "Yes. We know." Robin's eyes widened in shock as well as (Y/N)'s before Rayleigh continued. "We learned all of it. The entirety of the missing history... But miss, you mustn't be so hasty. Just keep moving forward. See, this is your journey now. We, and Ohara, might have hurried too much for our own good. I'm sure that's not what you wanted to hear. Even if I told you everything you wanted to know about that history here and now, just as you are, you couldn't do anything about it. Once you've taken the time to really see the world, it might change your outlook. And possibly lead you to a different answer. But if you still insist on hearing it, I can tell you everything. It's up to you."

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