Chapter 93: Lily the... Giant?!

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(Y/N) ran up to the helm's deck, staring at the Navy warship in sightly shock. "It's really the Navy!"

"What's the Navy doing here?" Usopp questioned in sheer shock from the grass deck.

"And there's a buttload of 'em, too!" Franky shouted as he stared at the ships.

"That's what I'm more shocked about." (Y/N)'s eyes slightly widened as she scanned the ships around the Sunny. "I've never seen this many at once before."

"Worst of all, they've got us surrounded from every side!" Brook yelled out from the grass deck, spinning around to look at all the warships. "All 360 degrees!"

"I'm not surprised." Robin calmly spoke up. "Nothing gets past the Navy. They see our every move." (Y/N) walked up to Sunny's railing on the helm's deck, looking down at her crew mates. 'I wouldn't say everything. Those idiot marine couldn't figure out who I was for two years.'

Zoro wore a slight bored expression on his face, looking at the ships. "Guess we'll be fighting for our lives again. They'll chase us to the gates of hell."

"You guys are way too calm right now!" Usopp yelled at the two.

(Y/N) watched as Nami wore a rather serious expression, looking up at the dark clouds above. She tilted her head a bit. 'What is she thinking?' (Y/N) looked back at the ships when Chopper yelled out. "They're getting closer to us!" Usopp joined in as the two yelled. "What's the plan, Luffy?!"

"Hang on. Wasn't he right there?" The two looked up at Sunny's head. (Y/N) looked back as well, but Luffy's chuckling was heard in response.

"Don't back down!" Luffy shouted back to his crew. A large grin danced its way across (Y/N)'s face. 'Now that's my 'Capt.' Luffy shouted out again. "They don't scare me! Straight ahead!" (Y/N) watched as Luffy leaped into the air, throwing out his arms and legs. "Push through! Let's go!"

"Are you nuts?! There's too many!" Usopp yelled out.

"Less whining, more ass-kicking, right?" Zoro yelled out, pulling out his swords.

"Hell yeah, sensei!" (Y/N) grinned down at Zoro, quickly pulling out her sickles and spinning them of her fingers.

Franky turned to Usopp and Chopper. "You heard the boss! Get ready to fire! Chopper, go fill the tank with cola!"

"Sure, whatever, I'm gonna die anyway!" Usopp smiled before Chopper and himself took off to the Engine Room.

(Y/N) flew up, peaking around Sunny's mane. "You ready, 'Capt?"

"Yeah!" Luffy smiled back at (Y/N) before turning back to the warships, winding back his right fist. "Leave the ones in the front to me!

"Got it!" (Y/N) flew back down to the grass deck, landing next to Sanji, Robin and Brook.

"We'll take the ones on the side!" Sanji yelled back to his captain.

Zoro leaped to the back of the Sunny, yelling out. "I can handle the back!"

"Let's do this!" Franky shouted from the helm.

Usopp and Chopper ran back up from the Engine Room. "Okay, all set!" Usopp yelled out to Franky as he ran.

"Wait, Usopp!" Nami grabbed Usopp's binoculars around his neck, pulling her sniper back to look through the binoculars. 'She's gonna chock him out.' (Y/N) stared at her navigator in shock as Usopp screamed and grunted in pain. Nami put down the binoculars. "We don't have to fight them."

"Are you sure?" Usopp questioned even though he was being chocked.

"What do you mean, Nam—" (Y/N) was spoke over by her captain's shouted. "Third Gear!" (Y/N) looked up at Luffy, high in the air, as he lifted his giant arm back.

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