Chapter 16: The Route to Escape

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The group that escaped the brig are now running away from any marine in the G-8 base.

"Come on guy!! Keep running!" Luffy yelled out while holding his straw hat on his head.

"I don't think I can keep up!" Usopp exhaustedly yelled out. "I'm beat! No wait don't leave me!!"

Luffy and the other's ignored his pleads and kept running. "Let's find the Going Merry and get out of here!" Their captain yelled out.

"Come on Usopp! Do it for the Merry!!" (Y/N), who was also running out of breath, yelled back to her long nosed friend.

The group ran until Luffy stopped them. A wave of marines were running at them from the front of the hall. "Shit, should we turn back?" (Y/N) questioned her captain, but was quickly giving her answer by her long nosed crew mate behind her.

"Marines! Over there too!" He pointed at the second intersection of the three way hallway. "And they are behind us! We're trapped like rats you guys!!"

(Y/N) is just about ready to fight her way out, but her captain's laughter made her hesitate. "It's about time things got interesting... I want to see if fortress guy was right. He said that escape was impossible and that it would take a miracle."

"It might." Sanji pointed out. "The odds aren't in our favor, that's for sure. There's a thousand troops stationed here."

(Y/N) smirked at the challenge as Usopp spoke up. "You find this interesting? Why Luffy?!" Their captain giggled reinstating what he said before about escape being impossible.

"I can't see any other option, but fight." (Y/N) smiled from ear to ear; but before she could take out her sickles, she heard her captain yell in front.

"GUM GUM GATLING!!" Swiftly the troops in front of them there all knocked out, giving the group an escape avenue.

"Luffy! You just had to take all the fun for yourself." (Y/N) sulked at her captain's action causing him to laugh in response.

"Come on, (Y/N)! We don't have time for this!" Usopp grabbed (Y/N)'s wrist, pulling her along as the group started running again.

They ran all the way to a cliff's end that more marines were stationed on. Luffy made quick work of them, knocking them all off the cliff.

"Oh great a dead end." Zoro said loud as Luffy suggested to run along side of the cliff, but his suggestion was interrupted by the sounds of gun fire.

Usopp, Zoro and Sanji ran behind a huge rock while (Y/N) and Luffy looked up at their shooters.

"So you finally shown yourselves, aye?" Commander Jonathan spoke from a high balcony.

Usopp and Sanji pointed out the obvious saying that he was the base commander Jonathan.

"Oh if it isn't the tricky bastard himself." (Y/N) crossed her arms, glaring up at him.

"Hey fortress guy! Why are you up there?" Luffy innocently questioned him.

The commander crossed his arms, leaning over the railing. "Well this is the balcony to my office."

Luffy ran on top of a large rock on the cliff's edge. "My crew, I rescued them! What do you think? Sorry I beat your guys up, but I told you I was going to leave when I wanted to, didn't I?" The captain held his fist up to the commander making (Y/N) giggle at how proud the boy was.

"Indeed. Are you still planning to do that, Straw Hat Luffy? Leave?" Jonathan questioned back to the captain.

"Yep! We're leaving right now." Luffy's smile never left his face as he spoke.

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