Part 42: Vice Admiral Garp

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The Straw Hats boarded the Galley Law ship, traveling back to Water 7. (Y/N) didn't say much to her crew when they traveled. The woman ended up retrieving her bag back from Franky's hideout, thankfully CP-9 didn't confiscate it.

The Straw Hats rested in a room inside the Galley Law building. (Y/N) was busy scribbling away in her log book when she heard knocking on the door before it was pushed open by Kokoro. "Hahaha! Hope everyone's decent!"

"Oh hey Kokoro." Sanji's words made (Y/N) look up from her log book.

"Yo! We're coming through!" Chimney yelled followed by Gonbe.

Yakazuna tried to follow in after, but the frog was way too big for the doorway. "I think... you better wait outside." Kokoro said in defeat.

"Well! You boys have been sleeping for days! You must have been awfully pooped. Not that I blame you from all that fighting." Kokoro spoke to the crew before looking over to (Y/N). The woman was back to writing as she sat on a bottom bunk bed. "How are you feeling, (Y/N)?"

The woman didn't look at her while she wrote. "Um yeah, I'm alright. You?"

"Alright? And here I thought you appreciated you doctor's work." Kokoro scolded the woman. (Y/N) looked up in shock and was about to say something, but Kokoro cut her off. "Well! Mr. Pirate King is back on his feet too!"

Kokoro turned (Y/N)'s attention to her captain that was stuffing his face with everything dish Sanji made him. "Actually not so much..." The cook said, looking at Luffy.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Kokoro questioned his words.

"Even though he couldn't move after the last fight, he didn't want to miss dinner because he was sleeping." Sanji explained making Kokoro look at the boy in confusion. "So, he developed a sleep-eating technique you see here."

"He's still asleep?!" Kokoro questioned in shock as Chimney and Gonbe admired the man's 'skill'. "That's what I call multi-talented! Hahaha!! By the way, your log pose should be set after two to three days here." Kokoro turned to see Nami's corner of sulking shame. "What happened?!"

"Even in the log pose is set... it's not like we can go anywhere without a ship." Nami said with a dreadful defeated look. "All the money we saved up to buy a new ship is gone forever... our clothes, furniture, even Bellemere's precious tangerine trees were lost. Aqua Lagoona carried it all away. I'm so depressed I can't even move." Nami said with a long sulking groan.

"Sorry I said anything." Kokoro sighed before drinking more booze.

"We left all our stuff in one of the backstreet hotels." Sanji explained.

"Oh, so that's what your guests are here about." Sanji questioned Kokoro's words as knocking was heard on the door.

"Um... so funny story." A man spoke up as he brought in all of the crew's belongings.

"MY TREES!!" Nami yelled out as she hugged one of the tangerine trees happily. "Oh my gosh! I thought I would never see them again! I'm so happyyy!"

(Y/N) couldn't help but smile at the happy ginger. The men explained that they confiscated all of the Straw Hat crew's belongings because they thought they were attempting to assassinate Iceburg.

"Hahaha! Well there you have it!" Kokoro laughed at the situation before the door opened once more.

"Hey! Doctor Chopper reporting in!" Chopper happily walked inside the room followed by Robin.

"How are you?" Robin asked her crew, but of course the lovesick cook ran to her side. Sanji took the bag Robin had before complementing her.

Chopper saluted Sanji before giving his report. "I treated the Franky Family's wounds, but I didn't let Robin out of my sight for a single second!"

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