Chapter 14: Off to Cloud End

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"Looks like they gave up! I don't see anyone!" Sanji looked back smiling from the successful escape as the group kept running.

Usopp talked about the giant cannon they were carrying and how it was crazy how they didn't use it against Enel.

Robin questioned his words about a giant cannon, but Usopp responded to her with another question. "Why do you think we are running away?!"

"Look we made it! There's Nami and Conis!" Luffy yelled out as Sanji went girl crazy over the woman. Thankfully a tree branch halted the cook's craze, but it wasn't forever since Sanji got back up and continued where he left off.

(Y/N) laughed at the cook before she leaped up on Merry's deck, sticking the landing in style. "MERRY!!" The (h/c) haired woman hugged the mast, "You don't know how glad I am to see you!"

Zoro scoffed at the woman's actions, "You know she's not an actual person right."

"She may not be talking back, but a ship is just like any other crew member aboard!" (Y/N) angrily yelled at the man, scolding him on how he could say such rude things about Merry.

The crew set sail once everyone boarded the ship. After a decent amount of time sailing, Conis spoke up to the crew from the small Crow boat. "Okay we are almost there!! Everyone see that up ahead? That's Cloud End!"

(Y/N), along with her some of her crew members, ran to the front of the Merry. The (h/c) haired woman looked out to see a beautifully structured gate reading "Cloud End". A giant rainbow stretched above the the gate, complimenting the structure.

"Now that's what I call a good ending!" (Y/N) smiled as leaned over Merry's railing, eager to get back to the Blue Sea world.

Luffy pouted, as he sat on top of Merry's head, saying he wanted to stay a little longer. Sanji surprisingly agreed with Luffy, saying he was going to miss the Sky Island. Meanwhile Zoro spoke up, sort of what was on (Y/N) mind, "I think it's time to say goodbye to the White Sea."

Usopp and Nami had a small discussion if they would ever visit the Sky Island again. "Well you never know!" Usopp said as (Y/N) just nodded her head in agreement.

Pagaya drove the Crow on the island cloud that surrounded Cloud End. Once they parked, the father and daughter quickly ran along the side the shore as Pagaya yelling up to the Merry. "This is as far as we can go!!"

"Take care of yourselves!!" Conis yelled out to them.

"We will! Thanks for the escort!" Nami yelled back as everyone waved them off, saying their goodbyes and thanks to each other.

"Now take in your sails and hold on tight! You're in for a bumpy ride!" Pagaya yelled out to the crew.

"You heard the man! If feels like we're already picking up speed!" The long nose yelled to his crew mates.

Luffy agreed with Usopp, saying that the crew were going to be descending from thousands of feet in the air. Everyone yelled "AYE" as they got to work preparing the ship for the descent to come.

The crew's attention turned to the South Bird flying in quickly from the sky above. The bird crash landed onto Luffy as Chopper translated its angry crows, "He said: Don't leave without me." Nami shrugged stating that the bird was the same one the crew brought up here with them.

"Captain! It looked like the log pose has the coordinates for the next island!" The navigator yelled out as the Merry passed through Cloud End.

"Great! Let's go! Once we get to the bottom, we're going to start a brand new adventure! Who's up for finding some gold?!" Luffy's words brought a new kind of excitement into (Y/N)'s (e/c) eyes as she cheered with her captain. "BLUE SEA HERE WE COME!!!"

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