Chapter 74: The Defeat of the Straw Hat Crew

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(Y/N) stared in shock from the scene before her. Luffy's yells snapped her out of her shocked state. "Zoro's in trouble! Come on! Do something, guys!! USOPP PLEASE!!"

Usopp snapped out of his shocked state, still shaking in fear when he held up his sling shot to the admiral. "Get away from him! Back up of else! Take this!" Usopp shot his bullet, but it fazed right through the admiral like it would (Y/N). "What the hell?! Why?! What is this??! What's happening?! I can't hit him!" Usopp continued to fire at the man over and over again.

Brook ran passed between the invisible (h/c) haired woman and his long nosed crew mate, charging at the admiral. Nevertheless, Brook's sword went straight through him. "Uhh?! I can't stab him! What the- What can we do?!"

The two continued to desperately attack the admiral. "You're wasting your time. I ate the Glint-Glint Fruit and now I'm made of light. It's a Logia, you see." The admiral spoke before looking in (Y/N)'s direction. "Like your friend there."

Usopp and Brook looked confused before (Y/N) spoke up behind them. "That's enough." The woman had clear anger and frustration bleeding through her voice as she walked between her crew mates. (Y/N) kelt down in front of Zoro, pulling her swordsman to her chest. "I won't let you hurt him any longer. Back away, admiral." (Y/N) didn't look up at the marine as she spoke.

"Ah. (Y/N) Donquixote. I'm sorry, you go by (Y/N) (L/N) now? Cleaver taking your mother's middle name as your last so we wouldn't find you when you were a child." The admiral calmly spoke to the woman below him.

"I didn't know my heritage back then. My mother raised me as (Y/N) (L/N) and that's who I will stay." (Y/N) glared up at the admiral, squinting her eyes from the bright light emitting off his leg. "Now back the hell away from my friends!"

The admiral's eyes slightly widened in shock before chuckling. "I'm sorry, Ms. (L/N). But I'm afraid all your 'friends' here will meet their ultimate demise, starting with the one you're holding. Don't worry, I'll make sure not to hurt you since you'll be accompanying us back to Headquarters."

(Y/N) looked back down at Zoro, holding her swordsman tighter as she quickly whispered. "Hey, sensei. You're going to show me that demon technique later, right?" (Y/N) heard the lightest chuckle from Zoro making a soft smile appear on her face. "Let's get you out of here and to safety, okay?"

(Y/N) felt her body starting to give out on her from the fighting she experienced earlier. "(Y/N)!! Get Zoro out of here!! Try to run away! HURRYYY!!" Chopper screamed out for his crew mates, but neither one of them could move. (Y/N) struggled to catch her breath as she held her grip loosening on Zoro's body.

"It's no use! They're both wore out! They can't save themselves!" Sanji yelled out to his crew mates just before (Y/N) fell over to her side.

Tears formed in her (e/c) eyes as she locked eyes with Zoro. "I'm sorry... I'm not strong enough..." (Y/N) tried to reach out for her swordsman once more, but the pain she felt wouldn't allow her.

"Veinte Fleurs!" Robin called out before (Y/N) watched Zoro roll away from her. A small smile kept on (Y/N)'s face before allowing herself some time to rest. As soon as (Y/N)'s eyes shut, she felt into a short slumber.

>>Small Flashback - One Week before Joining the Straw Hats<<

The (h/c) haired woman was profusely waving her hand in his face, trying to cool off from the hot desert she found herself in. (Y/N) pulled out the map of Alabasta she picked up from the last town she was in. 'Man this island is dryer than I remember. I need to restock on a few supplies before I head to Jaya. Hm.. there should be a small town up ahead.' (Y/N) bit her thumb's fingernail in thought before turning the camel, she rented, towards the next town up ahead. The woman finally arrived at the small town, tying up her camel to a fence before exploring the town. She widow shopped for anything that could be of use, picking up food and water for the journey to the next island. "BIG BRO!! Terrible news, Big Bro!!" A man yelled out, grabbing (Y/N)'s attention. 'I have nothing else better to do right now. It could be a potential job opportunity.'

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