Chapter 17: Bait Hiding in Plain Sight

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"Woah!! The open sea!" Luffy was excited to leave the base behind them. "Keep her on a straight course, guys!"

"No! Turn around!!" Nami yelled out to the crew. "We can't leave yet! Full reverse! Don't just stand there. Those lousy marines stole all our gold! Turn us around, we have to go back to the fortress right now!"

"Are you nuts?!" Zoro irritatedly responded to the ginger.

"Maybe you didn't notice, Nami, but we almost got killed breaking out of that place. Zoro's right, you're completely nuts!" Usopp tried to reason with Nami.

"I'm quite sane right now, thank you." Nami sassed back at the two. "Look what's the point of escaping if it's without our hard earned gold!"

Chopper was amazed at the ginger's seriousness when it came to money while Sanji admired the woman.

(Y/N) placed her fist in the palm of her other hand. "Oh yeah. I was invisible on the Merry and I remember the lieutenant told the marine who found our gold to take it too the lab, but that was many hours ago." The (h/c) haired woman shrugged.

Nami ran up to the woman, shaking her by her collar. "WHY DIDN'T YOU DO ANYTHING?!"

"I um... didn't want to get caught so quickly?" She held up her arms in nervously confusion.

"BUT YOU DID!! And now our gold has been stolen!" The ginger angrily held the scared woman.

Zoro walked up to Nami and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Let me handle this."

(Y/N) gulped at the swordsman who stood over her, smirking. "Pay back time." The swordsman scolded her for losing the gold as he drove his knuckles into the sides of her head, like the lieutenant did to him during his interrogation.

Luffy interrupted (Y/N)'s punishment by pointing the exit out to the crew. "But we're so close to that big hole we made. All we gotta do is sail through it, ya know."

"Aren't we supposed to be pirates?!" Nami questioned her captain who innocently agreed. "We'll have you ever heard of pirates leaving gold behind?! Wouldn't that be the worst thing a pirate can do?"

"Yeah I guess." Luffy shrugged at his navigator.

"So it's decided then! Let's get our treasure! Crew, make a u-turn and get us back to the fortress on the double!" Nami yelled at her crew mates and off they went.

Chopper and Sanji pulled the rudder all the way to the right causing the ship to nearly fall over.

"Hold on you guys!" Usopp yelled at his crew mates as the ship swung right.

"That's it guys! Just keep it up!" Nami yelled out.

Alarm bells were heard causing Nami to yell to Chopper and Sanji. "LEFT RUDDER FULL! If we don't, we are going to crash into that big ship that's headed right for us!"

(Y/N) nearly slipped off the ship when the boys turned left, luckily Robin grabbed onto (Y/N)'s hand and pulled her up to the railing allowing her to grab on. "Nice save! Thanks, Robin!"

"Don't mention it. Just keep your footing, Ms Journalist." Robin smiled at the woman as they watched the large marine war ship pass besides them.

Nami sighed in relief. "That sure was close. To think we almost died without ever laying eyes on our gold again!"

The sounds of several alarm bells caused the crew to panic as they watched a fleet of ships coming straight at them.

A muffled Sanji called out to the navigator. "So Nami, my sweet. What will it be, left rudder or right rudder."

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