Chapter 86: Only 50,000 Left?

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The remaining 50,000 new Fishman Pirates stood over their fallen comrades, sweating in nervous fear at Luffy's attack. "All that, in one shot! I've never seen power like that! So that's him. That's Straw Hat Luffy!" (Y/N) listened in on the nervous pirate's conversation even though they were yards away from her. 'That's my captain, alright. He's so going to have to teach me how to use my Conqueror's Haki though.'

A Fishman pirate began to nervously back away from the battle making the striped Fishman speak up. "Where do you think you're going? If you won't stand with your people on the day of our uprising, I might as well kill you myself." (Y/N) glared at the Fishman as he continued. "It's true. We may have lost 50,000, but take heart! We still have 50,000 left!"

The new Fishman Pirates held their weapons in the air. "Yeah!!"

"Those insufferable Straw Hat Pirates have sought to shatter our dreams at every turn." The striped Fishman held his arms into the air, shouting. "They must pay! The traitor, Jimbei, is no better! He follows in Otohime's footsteps and befriends the humans! But that is not the future we Fishmen wish to create!"

"He's right! Straw Hat's a damn human! What the hell does he know about our people?" A Fishman pirate yelled out, another one added in. "And Jimbei. If he wants to turn his back on his brothers, kill him, too!" The remaining Fishmen Pirates war cried once more.

"Geez." Zoro tied his bandana around his head. "You knocked out too many. Leave some for me."

"Oh, yeah. My bad." Luffy looked back at Zoro.

"Why can't you learn to put on a shirt?!" (Y/N) irritated yelled at her shirtless swordsman with light blush on her face. Zoro just chucked in response.

"Hey, don't get ahead of yourself." Sanji spoke up making Zoro 'huh' him. "I'm taking 30,000. Got it, moss-head?"

"Shut up, dirty cook." Zoro glared back at Sanji as a Fishman pirate slowly stood up behind the cook.

Sanji quickly kicked the pirate back down as he glared back at Zoro. (Y/N) looked back and forth between the stare down she was standing in before sighing in defeat. "You two will never get along."

"Ooh, it looks like we've got a full house tonight!" Brook yelled out, swinging his sword in air. "Okay. Thankfully, I've got just the jam to start this battle off right! Oh, yeahhh!!"

"Im not sure, Brook." Robin calmly spoke. "I don't think they came here to see you."

Brook laughed. "Robin's cool as always. Or just cold."

"No way. They didn't even listen to your speech!" One of the Fishmen spoke to the striped Fishman. He quickly replied. "Because I.. used my inside voice again!" (Y/N) wore a bored expression on her face. 'No. I just didn't feel like responding.. again.'

"Kill them!" Hordy sternly spoke making the new Fishmen Pirate charge towards the Straw Hats.

(Y/N) stood upright, watching the Fishmen inch closer and closer to her and her crew. "Okay! Go, Third Gear!" Luffy jumped up and blew into his right thumb. He drew back his giant arm, setting his sights towards the pirates before him. "Just come at me! I'll take all of you! Gum-Gum..." The Fishman Pirates stared at Luffy's giant arm in shock, some even commented in disbelief at a human's arm being such an enormous size. "Here goes! Giant Pistol!" Luffy punched the ground beneath him, forcing pirates to go flying and a loud explosion was created from his giant fist.

"Quick! We had better assist him!" Jimbei sternly spoke to the rest of the Straw Hats.

"Damn, Luffy. Wait for us." Zoro spoke up, (Y/N) clicked her tongue before adding in. "He's taking all the fun."

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