Chapter 106: Facing Doflamingo

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(Y/N) stole Law's mustache and wore it herself as she ran along the edge of the green island, snapping photos of Green Bit. It wasn't until she heard the ringing of Law's transponder snail that she ran back to Law and Caesar. "Is that the snail? Who is it?"

"Not sure." Law pulled out his transponder snail, allowing it to ring a few times before answering it.

"You there, Law? It's Sanji!" The transponder snail quickly shouted out.

"Where's you run off to?" Law questioned. "Please tell me you found the factory."

"That's the least of our worries now!" Sanji shouted back.

(Y/N) leaned closer to the transponder snail in confusion as Law spoke. "Hm? What's wrong?"

"It's a trap! You gotta get outta there before it's too late!" Sanji yelled back.

(Y/N) and Law gasped, looking at each other with concern. They heard the sounds of gunfire and fighting before Sanji's yells and shouts about not hurting a lady. "What the hell's going on over there, Sanji?!" (Y/N) questioned.

Sanji didn't answer, instead he shouted back. "Listen up! You gotta get out of there now!"

"We're not going anywhere. Handing Caesar over is part of the deal." Law quickly replied.

"Yeah, if Doflamingo actually resigned from the Seven Warlords!" Sanji shouted back to Law making (Y/N)'s eyes widen in shock. Sanji continued. "As it stands, you're going to be handing Caesar over for absolutely nothing in return!"

Law's eyes widened with fearful shock. "That doesn't make any sense. What do you mean?"

"Sanji, please, you can't be serious! We saw the paper this morning!" (Y/N) quickly shouted.

"Let me spell it out! We walked straight into a trap!" Sanji replied.

(Y/N) stared at the snail in utter shock before ripping off her sunglasses, mustache, and cap as she walked away from Law, irritatedly shouting. "You got to be fucking kidding me! I knew it! I fucking knew it! The damn bastard had an ace up his sleeve!"

Sanji explained what happened about CP-0 showing up on the island to tell the citizens that the newspaper was a false report and a new issue will be released at 3 PM to tell the world about Doflamingo remaining as King of Dressrosa and a member of the Seven Warlords. "You get all that?! You need to leave the island right now!" He shouted out.

(Y/N) growled in frustration before she noticed something coming straight for her. She grabbed the handles of her sickles, but hesitated to pull them out of their sleeves when she sensed a group approaching from the island. She quickly rushed up to Law. "We have to go now. We're going to be surrounded soon."

Law clenched his teeth in frustrated anger. "We can't leave now... Damn it. What the hell should I do?"

(Y/N) looked behind her when she heard something sprout out of the ground. "Eh?! Robin?!"

"Whoa! That's creepy! Were you hiding in the sand listening in on us this entire time?" Caesar questioned.

"Nico!" Law shouted.

"No, this is just a clone of my body." Robin quickly explained.

"Hm?" Law and Caesar questioned as (Y/N) sighed in relief. "That makes sense. You still scared the crap out of me."

"Was that Sanji you were talking to on the transponder snail just now?" Robin questioned.

"First, if this isn't your actual body, where are you and the Nose? Second off, if what Black Leg was saying is true, the deal with Doflamingo is off." Law rather quickly explained.

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