Chapter 94: Rescue Panz Fry!

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(Y/N) walked back up to Sunny's railing next to Luffy and Lily, leaning back over it as she watched the Navy warships. "I can't believe they went to such extreme to transport him..."

Franky walked back up besides (Y/N). "Exactly what I was thinking. They're only transporting one dude, but they had to send four ships to do it? Damn, looks like they're pulling out all the stops. Your dad must be a big shot."

"Oh, no..." Lily spoke with worry in her voice.

"Is that all there is to it?" Robin questioned behind the group making (Y/N) turn to her as she continued. "Sending four ships is strange in itself. But more than that, why would they choose to travel though these dangerous waters just to get to Impel Down? I wonder."

Lily hopped of the railing and onto the deck as Luffy fully turned to his crew, smiling. "Meh. Attack first and ask questions never!"

(Y/N) shook her head in disappointment, watching Nami slid behind her captain. With a hard punch on the back of Luffy's head, Nami smacked Luffy down to the deck. "What are you talking about, Luffy? You know that won't work!" Lily dodged out of the fallen captain's way as he fell face first into the deck. Nami pointed down to her captain, placing her other hand on her hip. "Look. The whole point of this mission is saving Lily's father, not just beating up on the Navy!" Nami stood upright, placing her other hand on her hip as she continued. "We have to be extra careful here. If we just barge in without a decent plan, he could get hurt!"

"Nami's right, Luffy!" Usopp spoke up. "Besides, if something happens to Panz Fry, you'll never get any of that volcano cooking you wanted to try!"

Luffy sat up, wearing an irritated pout as he faced his crew. "All right. So what do you wanna do then?"

"Well, it's gonna take finesse. Let the thief handle this one." Nami leaned over to Lily's height. "'Kay?"

"Okay! Whatever you say!" Lily bowed to Nami, smiling up at the ginger. "Thank you!"

Nami smiled, nodding her head. "Good. Here we go!"

The crew made their way to the ship's library, crowding the middle table as Nami discussed the plan. "First off, we need a diversion team. You guys go out on the Mini-Merry and draw their attention from a distance, creating an opportunity for the infiltration team. That team will be made up of Brook, Robin and Luffy, with Chopper as the boat operator."

"Diversion team, huh?" Luffy smiled up at Nami. "So I get to go right in and start kicking butt!"

"No way!" Nami turned to Luffy. "I call it the diversion team because Robin and Brook will be distracting them. All I want you to do is lay down and wait inside the Mini-Merry just in case something goes haywire. Outside of that, you can't do anything!" Luffy laid his head on the table, pouting at her words. (Y/N) lightly giggled. 'I know it's childish, but he's so cute when he pouts.' Nami ignored her captain and continued. "Now, the infiltration team: You guys take the Shark Submerge and sneak your way onto the raft without letting any Navy solider see you. That way, you can cut the chain and set Lily's father free. That team is Zoro, Sanji..."

"Anything for you!" Sanji wiggled around with hearts in his eyes.

Nami ignored her chef as well, looking over at Lily and her other crew mates "...Usopp and Lily. Sound good?"

"Okay!" Lily nodded.

"That sounds way more fun than what I get to do." Luffy pouted some more.

"Now, the tricky part is gonna be getting Panz Fry over here safely and discreetly." Nami pointed down at the picture of Sunny on the map in the middle of the table.

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