gym crush (l.h)

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I turned my car off, stepping out to grab my gym bag and water bottle from the back seat.

Not realizing the light grip I had on my phone, I dropped it. Right at the same time the guy who had just parked next to me stepped out.

I bent down to pick my phone up, but my hands met another's.

"You dropped this." the guy said, smiling

I matched his smile, "Thanks. I'm surprised it didn't break."

He let out a small laugh, "Yeah, you'd be surprised how delicate these things are now."

We shared another laugh before walking in together.

"What are you working today?" he asked me, scanning his card to check in.

"It's an upper body day." i replied with a slight groan.

He grimaced, "Ooo, you have fun with that."

"Thanks. What about you?" i asked, not wanting to stop talking to this guy.


"I'm so jealous of you right now it's crazy."

We both made our way over to the open area to stretch before starting our workouts.

He turned to look at me, "So what's got you into the gym?"

"I just wanted to stay active you know? And it also gives me a reason to be productive." i told him

He hummed, "Yeah that's reasonable. I'm just here to stay in shape for hockey."

I turned to look at him, "You play hockey? That's cool. Are you any good?"

"Well I play for the Devils. So yeah, i'd say i'm pretty good." he answered, a slight smirk appearing on his face.

My eyes widened, "If we're talking about the same devils, I think you're lying to me. Their season has been rough."

The smirk on his face disappeared, an offended look replacing it.

"First of all, nuh uh. Second, you watch hockey?"

I nodded, "It's probably the best sport to watch, like, ever."

We spent our stretching time talking about ourselves, getting to know each other better.

"Well I think i'm gonna go start my workout." i told him sheepishly.

He smiled, "Me too. It was nice talking to you..." His eyes widened, realizing we had never exchanged names.

"y/n. I probably should've told you that before telling you my whole life story." i said, feeling my face warm up.

"It was nice talking to you y/n. I'm Luke." his face turning a rosy color.

I smiled, pulling my phone out my bag. "Could I get your number?"

He nodded, taking my phone into his hands. He typed in his number, giving himself a contact name with an absurd amount of emojis.

"See you later, Luke."

"See you later, y/n!" he replied

I guess I have another reason to come to the gym now.

don't know how to feel about this one either. 🕺

<3, J

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