missed (j.h)

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I walked away, but not before I heard Quinn say, "Dude, we just met her and you're already making it obvious you like her!"

Blushing, I turned around to wave goodbye again, seeing Jack's face in his hands, Quinn and Luke waved back.

God, I can't wait til tomorrow.

11 years later ~

I stepped out of my car, shutting the door. I looked over to the house next door, a sad feeling washing over me.

The Hughes's had moved to Michigan a while ago. We kept in contact, but it wasn't the same. Quinn was still in Canada, but he was in Vancouver. And both Jack and Luke lived in New Jersey.

Walking into my house, I headed to the kitchen. I set my soccer bag down and grabbed a small pineapple juice from the fridge.

As I made my way upstairs, I got a notification from my phone. I didn't bother to check it before I sat down at my desk and opened my laptop.

The second I unlocked it, an email notification appeared.

1 new email.

I clicked on it almost immediately.

Y/n L/n,

Good afternoon.

You've been on our radar for a few years now. After reviewing your game film and college statistics, we'd like to offer you a spot on Gotham Football Club for the upcoming season.

Please reply ASAP if you're interested.

- GFC Player Management.

No way.

I had gotten so many offers to play in the U.S. and I had turned all of them down so I could stay in Canada for college. But this was an offer I couldn't decline.

Gotham FC is based in New Jersey and New York, which means I'd be closer to Jack.

Before I could respond, I called Jack. It rang a few times before he answered.

"Hello?" He answered, making it obvious he had just woken up.

"Hey. Sorry, did I wake you?"

He shook his head, "Yeah, but it's okay. What's up?"

I hesitated, "I got an offer to play in the States again."

"Ooh! Who are you declining this time?" He chuckled, slowly waking up.

"That's why I called you. I was actually thinking about saying yes."

His eyes widened, "Seriously? Wait, why would you call me for that? You think I'm going to keep you out of America?"

I laughed, "No! I called you because the team is in New Jersey."

If he wasn't awake before, he definitely is now. I heard him rustle around and sit up. His hair was a mess and the bags under his eyes were prominent.

There's no reason I should be finding this attractive.

"Are you serious? You have to say yes! You'd be closer and we could stop having all our conversations on the phone!"

"So you're okay with it?" I asked.

He scoffed, "Of course I am!"

Before I knew it, I was on a private jet flying to New Jersey.

Saying goodbye to the house I grew up in was hard, but it was time for a new start.

Not just with soccer, but with Jack.

The last time I had seen him was when we were 18. My family and I visited them in Michigan for Luke's birthday. We were staying in their house for the days we'd be down there. And when everyone else had gone out for dinner, Jack and I stayed back and one thing led to another.

We had mutually agreed to not talk about our hookup since we both knew long distance wouldn't work for us.

I didn't know how much that night still meant to him, but it still meant everything to me.


Not seeing someone in over a few years really changes the way you look at them for the first time again in person.

When I got the text that Jack was here to pick me up from the airport, I didn't recognize him right away. I don't know how it was possible, but he somehow got more attractive.

As soon as we made eye contact, his jaw dropped. We hadn't seen each other physically in 4 years and now here we were, looking at each other in the middle of an airport. Once he was sure it was me, he ran over to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

I immediately wrapped my arms around him, burying my face in the crook of his neck. We stayed like that for a while, definitely getting some looks from the people around us.

He pulled away and admired my features, "Hi."


I wanted to kiss him. Like really wanted to kiss him.

We didn't speak as we made our way to his car, but when he grabbed a hold of my hand, it told me everything I needed to know.

He opened the door for me as he placed my luggage in the trunk of his car. When he got in his side, he turned to look at me again.

"I missed you." He whispered, placing his hand on my thigh.

My hand landed on top of his, "I missed you too."

this whole time i thought this uploaded.
i'm never trusting wattpad to upload for me again.


pt. 3 or a whole other book on this story??? up to you!

hope you enjoyed this one!

<3, J



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(i was the only canucks fan in the section i was in.)

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