promise (l.h)

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"Y/n! It's late. You can play with Luke tomorrow." Mom yelled from inside the house.

I groaned, "5 more minutes!"

She and Ellen soon came outside and Mom picked me up. I squirmed, not wanting to leave yet. Luke stood up and grabbed my leg.

"No!" He yelled.

Ellen grabbed Luke's arm, "Stop that."

After annoying my mom with my movement, I escaped her grasp and ran inside the Hughes's house. Luke's heavy footsteps followed behind me soon enough. We giggled and ran into the downstairs bathroom.

I panted, "Do you think we'll get in trouble?"

He shook his head, "No."

We shared another laugh. We got grounded 2 weeks ago for this same thing.

After we calmed down, he looked at me. "Do you think we'll be friends when we're grown ups?"

"I hope so. I love you, Lukey." I said.

He smiled, "I love you too."

The voices of our parents started to get close to our door, causing us to gasp.

Before we could get caught, Luke ripped a piece of toilet paper, folded it, and wrapped it around my finger.

"Will you marry me?" He asked.

I laughed, "We're too young! Ask me again when we're older."

"25?! That's too far." He groaned.

My small arms wrapped around him, "If you really  love me you can wait."

20 years later

I was chewing on the inside of my cheek, nerves becoming overwhelming. Luke and I were getting married today and to say I was nervous doesn't even begin to explain it.

Mom was trying to get me out of the bathroom so I could get dressed, but I wasn't ready.

"Honey, you've got to get ready before you're late."

I took a quick glance at my phone, "The wedding isn't for another 7 hours."

She groaned, "Plus the time it takes to get to the venue, the first look, pictures, and then getting everyone set up for you to walk down the aisle!"

"Okay. Just give me a minute." I sighed.

Don't get me wrong, I was so excited to be married to my best friend. I just couldn't believe it was happening.

After a few deep breaths, I left the bathroom to start getting ready.

I brushed my hair, getting the knots out of it so it would be ready to do when we got to the venue.

The car ride to the venue was a long one, or so it felt. Maybe it was my nerves, but before I knew it, we were there.

There were already quite a few cars there. I quickly recognized Luke's car along with his brothers' cars and his groomsmen's cars.

My hair and make-up were done before I knew it. Taking a quick look in the mirror, I could barely recognize myself. It's crazy to think that I had waited 20 years for this.

I slipped into the bedroom to change. I took off my silk robe and opened the closet to reveal my dress, perfectly waiting on a hanger for me.

My white dress was stunning. I had picked it out with the help of my maid of honor, Lila, my mom, and Ellen.

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