distractions (q.h)

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It was currently 2 am and I couldn't sleep.  Regionals were tomorrow so  you'd think I'd be trying to get as much sleep as possible.

But it was impossible. All I could think about was if I fell or messed up or did anything to ruin my score.

To my surprise, I wasn't the only one having trouble sleeping. I turned over to see my boyfriend, Quinn, staring at the ceiling.

I wrapped my arm around him, his hand instinctively moving on top of it. "Can't sleep?" I asked.

He let out a sigh, "Yeah."

My head moved to rest on his chest. I could hear his heart beating and could feel his chest rise with every breath.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

He shook his head, "There's not really a reason. I guess I'm just not tired." He turned to his side, "What about you? What's going on in that beautiful mind of yours"

"I'm just nervous." I admitted.

"Of what? You're the best skater in Canada, none of the other girls compare."

His words gave me some comfort. He knew how to calm me down like no one else.

I let out a sigh, "Maybe. But there's some really great skaters coming from Toronto. I don't think I can score higher than them, even with my long program."

"Well if you keep thinking that then it's going to happen. You can't second guess yourself. You've gotta be confident." He told me, placing his arm around my waist, rubbing my lower back.

Allowing myself to relax in his touch, I felt a lot better. My eyes got heavy, but before they closed he placed a soft kiss on my forehead.


"There's no way I can beat her now. Other than her stumble, her routine was perfect!" I ranted to my coach, Dasha.

She gently slapped my arm, "You talk like that then you will fail." She pointed up into the stands where my family and the Hughes's were sitting.

"You want to disappoint them? Keep doubting your skills."

I took a deep breath and a sip of my water. Before I could even say anything else, my name was called and I skated to the center of the ice.

The music for my program started playing and I began my routine.

My focus was on nothing else but executing and landing all my skills perfectly. If I let myself get distracted, I'll fail.

As I landed my last jump, I looked up at my family in the stands. There was a girl sitting next to Quinn. She twirled her blonde hair in between her fingers as she chatted him up.

A twang of jealousy ran through my body. He would never cheat on me. Right?

I tried my best to regain focus. I focused on the last part of my routine.

Thankfully, I pulled through. Almost.

At the end, my skate crashed into the other, causing me to stumble. I could hear the small gasps around the rink.

As soon as the music ended, a worried look fell onto my face. I quickly skated off the ice as I felt the tears welling in my eyes.

I didn't fall, but that stumble could cost me everything. I threw on my club jacket and sat on the bench. My hands covered my face as the tears fell.

Dasha walked over to me, "It's okay. You're okay."

Her arms wrapped around me. If that stumble cost me a place in nationals, I don't know what I would do.

We anxiously awaited the final counting of my points.

"After review, Y/n L/n's final score is 87.43, putting her in first place."

Thank god.

Dasha jumped in excitement as she pulled me up to do the same.


I had received my medal before I changed out of my skates and went out to meet my family and the Hughes's out in the lobby.

When I saw them, I saw that same blonde girl standing next to Quinn.

I received hugs from my mom, dad, and sister. As well as from Ellen, Jim, Jack, and Luke.

Turning to Quinn and this mystery girl, he pulled me into a tight hug before placing a small kiss on my lips.

"Who's this?" I asked when I pulled away from my boyfriend.

She stuck her hand out, "I'm Jenna. I'm Quinn's ex- girlfriend.


I didn't have to turn around to hear Jack and Luke scoff.

"Can I talk to you?" Quinn asked, tugging my arm gently.

I slowly nodded. Why the fuck was his ex here?

We walked away from our families before he started explaining.

"Listen. I don't know why she's here. But I can assure you there's nothing going on." He ranted.

I was trying so hard to be understanding. But I just couldn't.

"Why is she here? How did she know where you would be today?" I questioned.

He sighed, "I posted you on my story."

He pulled his phone out and showed me his post. It was of me with my back turned looking at some trophies displayed in the rink lobby.

"I asked her to leave already. She said she wanted to talk but I told her I wanted nothing to do with her."

Leaning forward, I pulled him into a hug. "Don't worry. I believe you."

I could tell this eased him as his body became less tense in my touch. "Jack and Luke made her book a flight back. I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault, Quinn." I reassured.

He shook his head, "I saw you look at us, and then you almost fell. If I had cost you a spot, I-"

I tugged on his shirt and kissed him, "But you didn't. As long as she didn't do anything, I promise I believe you."


We got home and I immediately walked towards the couch, landing face first.

"Tired?" Quinn chuckled.

I made a noise before I turned my head to speak.

"Can we order pizza or something? I don't want to cook."

He didn't even get a word out before the doorbell rang. I heard a male voice speak before Quinn said, "Thanks man." and shut the door.

The smell of pizza and wings filled my senses. I immediately sat up to look in his directions.

He walked over to me, placing the boxes of pizza and wings on the coffee table. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed some wine and wine glasses and placed those onto the table as well.

"How did you-?" I began before he cut me off.

"I placed the order in advance. I knew we would have something to celebrate."

I pulled him into a kiss. "Thank you."

We put our favorite show on before filling our plates with food. He cuddled up next to me.

"I love you." I said, mouth full of food.

This made him grimace, "I love you too, but please chew with your mouth closed."

Sharing a laugh, I leaned onto his shoulder.

This was all I needed.

i'm hungry for pizza and wings now.

hope you enjoyed!!

<3, J

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