home (q.h)

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"We're about to get on the plane, so I should be back in Vancouver in like three hours."

I groaned and rolled onto my stomach, "I'm gonna take a nap until then."

Quinn's eyes flashed to look at me directly through the screen. "No, no, no. Last time you did that you didn't wake up on time and I had to Uber home."

"I'll wake up on time, I promise." I smiled.

Before I could even close my eyes, Quinn yelled, effectively waking me up. I could hear the laughter around him after he did that.

I rolled my eyes, "I hate you."

He gave me a toothy grin in return. His hair was growing out quite a bit and I'll admit, it made him even more attractive than before. It was damp from the shower he took in the locker room before they left the arena.


I blinked my eyes rapidly, snapping back into it. "Hi. Sorry."

A cocky smirk appeared on his face, "You like the hair don't you?"

"Maybe a little bit." I replied with a smile.

He laughed as he took the steps to board the plane. They always had a few minutes before they took off, so I knew I still had a few minutes left with him.

Our room was getting kind of chilly so I stood up and propped my phone up on a pillow. As I walked into the closet, I could hear Quinn say something but since I wasn't close enough, I couldn't make it out.

I quickly grabbed one of his Canucks hoodies and walked back towards the bed. "Did you say something?"

His eyes flickered back to the screen, "Yeah, I asked if you've eaten anything."

"Not yet, I might order something soon though."

He hummed, "What do you want? I'll order it for you."

I shook my head, causing him to nod in return.

"You don't have to do that." I told him.

"I know I don't have to. But I want to."

I pursed my lips, "Are you sure?"

He nodded enthusiastically, "Of course."


I ate my food as I sat in the airport parking lot waiting for Quinn and the team to land. It was around two in the morning and my lack of energy was starting to catch up to me. This feeling was quickly shaken away from me when I saw the team flooding out of the airport, saying their goodbyes and heading their separate ways.

My eyes wandered, trying to find Quinn amongst the crowd. He finally stuck out when he started walking towards the car. He opened the trunk, putting his bags in before walking and sitting down in the passenger seat.

As soon as the door was shut he invaded my space, engulfing me in a much needed hug. We hadn't felt each other's touch in a week which really isn't that long, but every time he leaves it feels like an eternity.

"I missed you." He mumbled into my neck.

I gently grabbed his face and pulled him in for a kiss. "I missed you too."

He pulled away into his own space, taking in my appearance. I was wearing his hoodie and a pair of his pajama pants. When he noticed this, he let out a laugh.

"Do those even fit you?" He questioned, pointing at the pants.

Looking down, I noticed how big the pants actually looked on my legs. They were baggy on him, but on me, they looked like a long blanket.

"No. But they're comfy and they smell like you." I replied.

He smiled and continued laughing until he noticed something.

"Y/n? Why are we in my Porsche?"

I gave him a look and a smile, "Because I feel cool driving it?"

He laughed at my answer, placing his hand on my thigh. "Fair. Just please don't crash it."


We pulled into the driveway soon enough and Quinn was passed out on his side. I didn't want to wake him up yet, so I turned off the car and slowly slipped out to grab his bags and bring them inside.

Thankfully, all his luggage other than his hockey stuff had wheels so getting them in the house wasn't too much of a challenge. After it was all in, I went back out to the car to get Quinn.

I tapped softly on his window, "Quinn?"

His eyes slowly blinked open. I opened his door and lent over to unbuckle his seatbelt. He stepped out, wiping the sleep away from his eyes. He took my hand in his, shutting the door before walking us to the door.

It was obvious he missed home considering by the loud groan he let out when the warmth and smell hit his senses.

"Happy to be home?" I laughed.

He nodded, "You have no idea.

I smiled at him, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek. He didn't let me pull away. Instead, he lifted me up into his arms and connected our lips with an actual kiss.

When he pulled away, the tired yet happy look on his face made me fall in love with him all over again.

"Definitely missed that the most though." He mumbled.

He put me back down on the floor but didn't let my body go just yet. I gently prayed him off, taking his hand and slowly leading him upstairs.

As soon as we set foot into our room, he kicked off his shoes, stripped off his shirt and pants, then headed straight to the bed. I copied his actions, following right behind him.

We got comfortable almost instantly with my head on his chest, my arm and leg draped over him. His hand quickly found my back, slowly rubbing up and down.

"I lied. I missed this the most."

Smiling at his words, I closed my eyes knowing that I was with him once again.

inspiration has struck at midnight yet again. thank god bc this is the cutest shit I think I've ever written. (my brain starts working like this when the Canucks win)

but if any of you have any requests feel free to leave them and I'll do my best to make you happy :)

hope you enjoyed !!

<3, J

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