moving (sister imagine)

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You sat in front of the keyboard in your room, trying to learn the music displayed on your phone. Before your fingers could even press the first key, there was a knock on your door.

"Honey? Can we talk to you?" Your mother, Ellen, asked.

You shut off your phone, "Door's open!"

She and your father walked in, wearing a guilty expression on their faces. You immediately thought the worse, but tried to relax.

"So... you know Quinn just got into Michigan." Ellen began.


When they didn't speak, you knew exactly what they were going to say.

Your expression quickly fell. The idea of moving yet again made you sick. That had already made you leave all your friends in Florida when you were younger all for the stupid coaching job Jim got in Canada, and now they want you to do it again?

Jim noticed your face fall and opened his mouth to say something when you scoffed and stood up. You could hear them call out your name as you grabbed your keys off the table and made your way towards the door.

You didn't make it outside before your younger brother, Jack, called out your name from the kitchen.

"What?" You asked, turning around to look at him.

He gave you a look, "Where are you going?"

Before you could answer him, your mother came down the stairs, your father following right behind her. "Y/n! Can you please just listen?"

"Listen? Listen to you explain how this is something we have to do because it's an amazing opportunity for Quinn? I've heard the speech before, Mom!" You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes. Not just of frustration, but of sadness too.

The sounds of Quinn and Luke walking in through the front door filled your ears, but it wasn't important to you right now. "What's going on?" Quinn asked from behind you.

You ignored the presence of your brothers, "Have you ever thought that maybe I want to stay in one place instead of moving around? Have you ever thought about how hard it is for me to make friends?"

Ellen didn't say anything, but you could see small tears building in her eyes as she heard you speak.

"We do think about you, Y/n. You know we do. But this is an amazing opportunity for your brother, he'll get his degree and the experience will prepare him for the rest of his career! Not just his, but Luke and Jack's as well." Jim explained.

You scoffed, tears falling out your eyes. "Right. Like always, it's all about your sons. I don't know if you're aware, but you have a daughter too."

The house was quiet other than the sounds of your and Ellen's sniffles. No one said anything as you left the house.

Since your focus was on other things, you didn't realize the sun had already begun to set. You decided to just walk a few steps to the garden, sitting down on the swing the boys had set up between the two trees in the front yard.

As you stared off into the sky, you felt someones weight sit down next to you. You looked up, realizing it was Ellen. Her face was equally as flushed as yours, her eyes a tiny bit swollen already. You scooted over a little, giving her more space.

It was silent for a bit, before she spoke up.

"I'm sorry."

You turned to look at her and she reached out to cup your face, wiping your tears with her thumb. Unsurprisingly, her touch made you cry even more. You leaned across, leaning into her shoulder and wrapping your arms around her.

Your already quiet sobs were muffled by her shoulder as she stroked your hair gently. You could feel her own tears down your back.

"I shouldn't have yelled." You mumbled, trying to calm down.

Ellen shook her head, "You had every right to yell. I'm sorry we made you feel like we only thought about your brothers."

"I know you don't."

You pulled away from her, but she still held your hands in hers.

"We've made it seem like that though. You've just never said much and we figured you can do music anywhere, so we never even thought to ask you. I'm sorry, honey." She told you, small tears still falling out her eyes.

No more words were spoken as you leaned back into your mother's hold. She gladly accepted, her arms tightening around you. By the time you both calmed down, you could see the porch light turn on, revealing your brothers and Dad standing on the porch.

The laugh that escaped your mouth made Ellen turn around. When she realized, she laughed too. The boys took it as a sign to come down and sit with you guys.

You could feel Jim's arms around your back, tugging you back against him. You brought up one of your hands to wrap gently around his arm, keeping one in Ellen's hand. "I'm sorry, kiddo."

He wiped your face, as well as Ellen's. Jack placed a hand over your head, while Quinn and Luke sat in front of the swing and each placed a hand over your shoes. This was their way of saying sorry to you. Not because they did anything, but because they now understood how you felt.

The sun hadn't set yet, so pink and yellow colors filled the sky. You sat with your family and admired the view, embracing each other's company.

Even if you moved across the world, you knew it would be okay as long as they were there with you.

idk if i like this one

hope you enjoyed this one!

<3, J

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